Anonymous ID: ae4485 March 17, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.8458990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9094

>>8457306 pb

>Flatten straight vs. Curve

In the Bible there is a theme about straight versus crooked, where straight means upright, proper, direct, without undue dealy. And crooked means curving, devious, perverse, twisted.


'"The way of a guilty man is crooked, but the conduct of the innocent is upright."' - Proverbs 21:8


Here are several more scriptures about straight and crooked, just a sampling:


“A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.’”

"I will raise up Cyrus in righteousness, and I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild My city and set My exiles free, but not for payment or reward, says the LORD of Hosts.”

"in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them."


Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.

The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace.

The lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. For she cares nothing about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn’t realize it.

But those who turn to crooked ways the LORD will banish with the evildoers.