Lessons from the
H1N1 Pandemic
Should Be
Incorporated into
Future Planning
We recommend that the Homeland Security Council direct the National
Security Staff to take the following two actions:
• In order to help the federal government prepare for a future influenza
pandemic, work with the Departments of Health and Human Services
and Homeland Security—as well as other federal agencies and state
and local jurisdictions, as applicable—to update planning and
exercising by incorporating lessons learned from federal agencies’
H1N1 after-action reports and the lessons we identified from the H1N1
pandemic. These lessons may include
• developing communication strategies for better managing public
expectations about pandemic vaccine availability while working to
reduce the length of time required to produce a pandemic vaccine;
• identifying state and local jurisdictions’ need for materials for nonEnglish-speaking populations and examining ways to facilitate the
timely and efficient translation of key communication materials;
• updating SNS plans by identifying tools for tracking SNS supplies,
ensuring that the supplies in the SNS meet the needs of states and
local jurisdictions, and accommodating previously unanticipated
scenarios, such as the need for possible long-term storage or
recovery of unused supplies.
I guess they never did get prepared