TY, Baker!
Based on notable post from lb: >>8475851
>I'm not convinced even the toughest among us is immune as things continue to go hotter
I must be some sort of freak then, because I find this all very exciting, I have full confidence in the Plan, in Q+ and Patriots in place. I am not only not worried, but excited because due to strategic moves POTUS has done for the last 3 years have positioned the USA to hit the ground running and our economy will rebound even higher than it was before this pandemic - the US will totally DOMINATE the world's economy, while the rest of the world will sink further due to the policies of globalism.
Also, it's good to have a sense of humor.
TY, it's a testament to how a post here, or a tweet text can be turned into a graphic and made exponentially more powerful.
Our voices, individually, are powerful, and it's time to flex by making it a force multiplier and create and share it outwards!