An odd phrase, no?
Order = Authoritiarian, kinda by definition.
You all are being prepped to accept the mark of the beast, by people like Bill Gates, the pope, Javier Solana, etc.
Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Welp. We're here. We're at the end of this age.
So a "tie a yellow ribbon around a tree" thing.
So, new flu safer than old flu, and massive market crash still higher than Hussein's best market days.
Second. Best. Plan. Ever.
You're asking that, as you're literally watching it happen.
3/3 excellent
They don't want to look like traitors when Trump puts out this brushfire.
They want to tell their people they were 100% behind Trump and what Trump was doing to solve their panic attacks.
Then they'll go back to trashing him for everything.
Politics as usual.
satanic gibberish
Hot mic saying that he would make sure Clinton did not get convicted if he was impeached.
Sue all of your teachers, but ask for punitive damages against your English and Economics teachers.
Don't understand why people do what they do, but then I never have. Terrified of a flu that kills 50 in three months, but blase about a flu that kills 100-200/day, every day.
And whose first impulse is to prep for, what, diarrhea and spills?
Interrupting "business as usual" may just give us the reset we're looking for.
More like the latest cabal manipulated strain that they pump out every couple of years. It appears that Q nerfed it.
Q seems to be quite good at nerfing foxtrot foxtrots.
They were closing hundreds, maybe a thousand, anyways. The bankers are getting hit hard.
Memember Trump?
"These bankers are kilers!"
Probably jealous.