Oh shit!
Today's Thursday…I lost a day! KEK!
Oh shit!
Today's Thursday…I lost a day! KEK!
Because he's a fake, and they know it.
What was asked?
Does that include illegal aliens?
Time for the FCC to shut them down.
Demoncraps played repubs hard.
Crashing market, making everyone go broke = everybody has the same amount of money.
Universal healthcare being played out right now.
Government checks to the American people = universal paychecks from government.
The socialist agenda is working dramatically right now.
Yep, and it'll be at the end of a rope with his body swing on the noose end.
Socialism at it's finest, eh.
They are correct.
A cure is NOT a vaccine.
A cure does just that, CURES.
A vaccine tries to prevent.
Why have a vaccine when the cure is right there?
They are blowing smoke up watchers asses.
So do they have a vaccine they are not sharing with the world?
Straight to a FEMA camp with the guillotines waiting.
No worse that counterfeit $1.00 bills.
I say we tell China to get their shit out of the US, and we take over those facilities.
Fuck China and it's Chines Flu that they are using as a weapon of mass destruction.
She wants him to so they can claim "HE'S BEING A DICTATOR!"
Well, at least we can still buy guns, ammo, and beer! KEK!