Anonymous ID: 22ab10 March 19, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.8482232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

yeah im dancin

yea im dancin

all you want is a sympathizer

all im gonna give you rain watergun blast rapid fire

i dont even need a green light dat boi gonna go

gotta go fast too fast like sonic aint masonic though betta know

anons are da equalizer

the most despizeder

like a spider

caught them all in a web

dont call me webbie but they know im all up in them breads

even when im gone dey both hatin wit da shills meme makin by them reals

now we all dankin real dankin call it the dank awakameme

lean on them feinds tryna throw shade at patriots

i aint no snitch aint no bitch aint no blood drunked witch

aint snitchin if yeen't witchin keep adden the restrictions

to how to live life real niggas aint liven life based on msm strife

gone buck that axe boi this the end times but not wut dey thinkin

they thinkin bout freakin wit severed heads liek a satanist adrenoline connaseuir

while they thinkin martial law is still on they side

dey betta find a place to hide inna sewer

they thought they was all set wit da guillatine now they actin like they

quarentined wen dey incarcerated by fear of all the kids they lacerated


when it was all about the nation they chose free-masonry

treason of the highest degree extreme penalty

the real bannana wall while they tremble that cell (bawww)

welcome to guantanamo welcome to hell.

Where god is your judge and its the arrangement

cultist containment


go one wit dat martial law give potus da permission to

uninitiate all them with the military.


get SCARED get SCARY real niqqaz kno it all a fake virus doe

so get low get loud let em know where them bunkers at

just kiddin i was fibbin prolly most them bunkaz sunk into the fire

the fire that you worship will be all that you know

in hell real hell fire is the only think to glow

more light further light illuminated with flame

in the lake of fire all who conspired shall remain eternal pain

and im the bad guy for making it rain making them see in plain sight

the fright they have caused the autistic. The only fear that exists is in

their deception mental over protection ressurecting contingencies that

dont exist. We are the elite now where is you gods cuckadonius and twinkly faggot lucifer. Dueces on they confucious ass moloch. Owl orly minerva nerd gods that don't even fucking xist unless its the devil and ok cucks play the cello cuz hello GOD WINS feel the mist feel the rain feel the pain