Anonymous ID: 30a683 March 19, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.8482278   🗄️.is đź”—kun



>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago 25f6f1  No.8482191




>'HUMAN CHILDREN' …as opposed to…what other 'children's, exactly?


>Could this worm get any dumber? I'm betting so….and I'll bet it gets posted right here on this board when he does


> Notable


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago d61c02  No.8482192>>8482247




>why did baker bake MSM fearmongering bs again??


>>>8480739, >>8480750, >>8480805 Anon: Trump is BLOWING CASH LIKE NO TOMORROW!


>this is obviously not what is happening.


> Notable


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago 0ee9fa  No.8482193




>if cringe were a tweet


> Notable


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago 48f787  No.8482194




>I don't see y any anons are giving this clown any attention.


> Notable


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago d5e2ff  No.8482195


>File (hide): a5447d722f40a7eâ‹Ż.png (1.42 MB, 727x900, 727:900, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




>Stupid evil cunt


> Notable Blacklist all post imagesNot Spam Spam Badges:


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago 668767  No.8482196


>Adam, Jimmy Kimmel's besty, just on Tucker in a non descript room, talking 'prison' sentence related to CV. Comms are being sent. Weird fucking times.(Tucker is still a tool.)


> Notable


>▶Anonymous  6 minutes ago b241f9  No.8482197>>8482221


>File (hide): 2a35da9f4c09bdb⋯.png (48.7 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png) (h) (u)




>What do you take to support your fingertips for all that typing?


> Notable Blacklist all post images


>▶Anonymous  5 minutes ago c886da  No.8482198




>Austin is some loser who obviously had a mental breakdown or is being used by DeepState. His father is Wilfred and poor guy probably has to try and figure out what Q is while fixing his son. Sara Marie Williams probably divorced him. His nickname is beans. Those videos of him doing IT work is just him fixing standard stuff in various locations like Dairy Queen. His nickname is apparently Beans. He’s a loser. Also, he posts on some obscure forum with a Morpheus like nickname. All he does is read his old posts. That’s why it seems like a script.


>I do not believe anything


Hey quadscheckt,


Don't help them! kek!