Anonymous ID: 64b5d5 March 19, 2020, 6:06 p.m. No.8482363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2404 >>2527 >>2573

POTUS' Declares Open War Against The Invisible Enemy, a.k.a. The Foreign Virus (collectively known as  [+,++,+++], each '+' stands for a foreign individual)


In POTUS Oval Office Address last wk:


"We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshaling the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American people.This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus."


Note the term 'counting', which POTUS emphasized w/ a strained vocal intonation (@ 1:25 in vid below) & the word doesn't really make sense in the sentence. 


Theory – 'Counting' = "countdown' – signifying that the 'countdown' has begun( Qpost pic related). 

Oval Office Address vid & transcript: &


Cut to yesterday @ Corona Presser –' 

POTUS alluded to himself as a 'War-time President' in the fight against The Foreign Virus/The Invisible Enemy (collectively [them]), when he invoked the Defense Production Act, which he did once before (re: space tech). However, it's application now has a vastly broader scope/scale. 


Recap on Defense Production Act provisions: 

"Companies are required to accept and prioritize contracts from the government and to prioritize “materials, services, and facilities to promote the national defense or to maximize domestic energy supplies.


…The act also provides the government with the authority to obtain information from businesses, authorizes establishment of the National Defense Executive Reserve, and a Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – which works on the effects on national security of certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers related to foreign investment in the U.S.


*Note that the use of this Act for Nat'l Econ Sec concerns re: foreign investment in the US and M&A.  The 'Invisible Enemy/Foreign Virus' have infiltrated (in some cases outright hijacked) many of America's DOW 30/ S&P 500 corps in order to control their direction & in some cases to implode them (from within) financially (think Boeing, GE, GM, FORD, etc). POTUS' use of the Act in this context ostensibly allows him to direct/control these corps when broad Nat'l/Econ Security issues arise. 


Cut to – Macron & Merkel's  'war' allusions in their tv addresses this wk:


"In a national address with no precedent in her 14 years as chancellor, Angela Merkel said Germany now faces the gravest challenge since World War II. “Take it seriously. Since German unification, no, since the Second World War, there has been no challenge to our nation that has demanded such a degree of common and united action," Merkel said.Not one for dramatic statements, Merkel’s elevated warnings come with French President Emmanuel Macron declaring his country now “at war,” and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson noting that the societal changes underway are unprecedented in peacetime.  According to




"BERLIN — In a rare televised message… German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday impressed upon the country’s 87 million people that they face their gravest crisis since World War II. “It is serious,” she said. “Take it seriously.” Merkel initially played an almost invisible role."


Finally, correlate above events w/ Qpost 3113 posted on 3-18-19– @ the 1 yr delta yesterday (pic attached):


– 8 Ellipses Marker is a placeholder for COVID-19 (8 characters)

– Anons already know that Q's use of ellipses that gradually get smaller in number represents "a countdown"

– COVID-19 is a full-fledged Cabal FF, a move/countermove by [them] as a reaction to Q+ & Q's 'countdown'.


Conclusion: looks like the 'silent war' is rapidly becoming a public/loud Declaration of Open War!