Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.8482050   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2066

>>8481909 lb

Thank you, anon, it's really nice an readable although script. I also admire your work very much. Talented anon :)


>>8481844 lb

Remember - there was a really large amount of Chinese -from WUHAN- in that area of Italyโ€ฆ and they are a poor country with a LOT of debt & socialized medicine. I'm not saying China is being truthful, but just offering some perspective as to why it's such a shitshow in Italy right now


>>8481875 lb

>Could drop in on food truck pages too. I know here in Texas

Thank you! This is exactly the type of coordination we need!


Hopefully we'll hear back from those looking into facebook groups, twitter lists, food truck forums etc. AND Spanish speaking anons to help us word it right.


If we are successful, we can connect some small business owners (food trucks) who are otherwise SoL and lost business right now (who otherwise serve the office workers or even carnivals etc) with those who want their business services (truckers). WIN-WIN


That's how America does it!!


>>8481928 lb

You are free to research your own leads, others are attempting to take some steps to help out fellow Americans - either personally, in time of need, or on a larger scale, like with our truckers. (above)

Pick you focus and do it, but it's not really fair to pitch a fit because others have their own focus as well.


You are free to help us if you wish, or not, that's ok, too.

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.8482209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2332 >>2401 >>2447 >>2471 >>2527 >>2573


>Way bigger

I agree.


Frankly, from what I've seen and read about Projects Looking Glass and Pegasus, it is fairly clear to me that POTUS' moves in the last 3 years were calculated so that when the virus was released, the US would be able to adapt and overcome it, and, while other countries around the world were backed into a corner by the truly insanely stupid policies of the globalists in charge, they will really be weakened and suffer, on the other side of this while the US will be in a position to switch around our manufacturing to products that had been off-shored before, making us even more secure and stronger, and putting us in a position to absolutely dominate the world's economy and production.


-Environmental policy change

reorganizing NEPA so projects can proceed in a timely manner (1 year vs 10)

especially WRT to large-scale infrastructure projects,

โ†’ which will have a ripple-out effect on local economies, not to mention building material supply, manufacture and transport and retailers of those same

-SBA changes to give incentive and make it easier for more Americans to be small entrepreneurs

-Tax code changes

so that American business becomes attractive and profitable

-Healthcare fixes

No more Obamacare mandate, I believe POTUS will 'jump off' to something much better from there (not revealed yet)

โ†’ breaking the grip of Big Pharma and their monopoly on allopathic modality & medicines

Releasing actual cures to the public and a resurgence of naturopathic practice and healthy living

-Apprenticeship programs

not only for traditional trades but over 3k companies have pledged to take HS grads and do on-the-job training, bypassing the Snowflakes' domain of college entirely

-Unleashing our energy sector

not limited to oil/nat gas

"new sources of energy" have been mentioned at least 3 times by POTUS, so important

โ†’ (not announced yet) I believe that POTUS will make it attractive (at least not suppress) alternative energies as well as the manufacture of devices or adapters to transition over to those new energy sources

Our nuclear plants are at the end of their lives, so they have to be replaced with something. POTUS is a forward-looking guy, and I believe, considering Projects LG and Pegasus, he can see what will work, and do what is necessary to get us there.

-Break the FED

POTUS has floated a women to replace the head who is hostile to the FED itself, which is a major shot across the bow.

While he has never mentioned it, outright or a coded message I have seen, I can see him, at the right point in time, nationalizing the central bank, issuing State-backed currency and destroying the FED, thereby breaking the ultimate hold of USURY over the world.


It seems that decades of mismanagement, shamefully incompetent leadership and actual disdain of the American citizenry has conditioned a majority of Americans to not realize our true potential - our creativity, our ingenuity, our incredible productive power and the power that we really have when we unite towards achieving a common goal, and so many citizens cannot envision in their minds what we are able to quickly, efficiently and competently accomplish, such as reorienting our manufacturing base quickly to one set of tasks and then doing it again a short time later.


One of our main tasksings from Q+ was to do research so we, anons, would be able to see how bad it really is, sure, but also so that we would be able to pay attention to what POTUS has been doing that no one else is really putting together, namely what was mentioned above.

Our other main tasking was to produce graphics to "educate and calm the public during, and after, the Storm."


We are in possession, as we are told, of much more than we know. We are in possession than far more than the public, who is scared and feeling lost and alone right now. Our job is to educate them on several aspects of the big picture about what has come before, is happening now and what is to come.


And ''The Best is Yet to Come'' is not just an empty phrase. Considering Projects LG and Pegasus, and all that Q has told us (timelines change, sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past, time travel is funโ€ฆ or?, timing is everthing, etc.) that POTUS has been able to do what needs to be done so that together we are able to weather the Storm, and come out on the other side to a beautiful, incredible future.


''WWG1WGA is also not an empty phrase.''Together. We are going into the future together, and unlike empires of the past, we will not oppress or suppress other Patriots around the world. We will build them up, help them reach their potentials and build an even better future. Together.


Cras es noster

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.8482522   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2583


Agree on all counts, anon. The old business model will fall away. And on the topic of manufacturing, I am convinced, for strategic reasons, and business reasons (new model) that the future is decentralization, i.e., people making things with 3D printers, and having small centers to assemble parts intermediately and at final product.


MADE IN AMERICA, those 3 beautiful words

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.8482581   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2624


Thank you, anon, I've paying attention for a long time, and this is what I see, for now and the future. I'm just glad someone read it. I've posted several versions of that from time to time, but I guess 'timing is everything' since it finally got traction.

It can also be screencapped and reposted by others here or 'out there' in the normiesphere where it will be read by more - and who knows where they will take it?

Thank you again.

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.8482619   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2667


I have listened to many presentations and interviews by Basiago and Mendez (the older man who was an Army officer). Some things stuck out at me and were perplexing, like missing a puzzle piece in the center right.

I watched John Carter last night and the ending really struck me as how similar it was to what both men described, to a point.


I cannot for the life of me understand 'being bored.' There is so much out there, so many interesting things, how can anyone possibly be bored?! (rhetorical)

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.8482622   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I have listened to many presentations and interviews by Basiago and Mendez (the older man who was an Army officer). Some things stuck out at me and were perplexing, like missing a puzzle piece in the center right.

I watched John Carter last night and the ending really struck me as how similar it was to what both men described, to a point.


I cannot for the life of me understand 'being bored.' There is so much out there, so many interesting things, how can anyone possibly be bored?! (rhetorical)

Anonymous ID: a517d4 March 19, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.8482672   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Excellent points - IF it's possible for so many to telecommute during this period, WTF would anyone need to go back to commuting in a few months?

ha ha!

Driving will be for different purposes and also be able to accommodate our large-scale infrastructure projects without causing further congestion!

