Anonymous ID: c36a3a March 19, 2020, 5:50 p.m. No.8482169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2197 >>2235 >>2238 >>2250 >>2537

Repeat from last bread in case anyone missed it.


Anons do with this what you will. I am an empathic healer. I have studied biomed and my body for 14 years. I helped my son beat autism with chelation (andy culter) and other biomed interventions. I am deeply into healing the body. I also an anon .. but I am here to mostly learn but have also helped (memes and red pilling).


I believe I caught coronavirus on Mar 5 when I opened the door and a Mormon person coughed on me. It was just timing as I had been self isolating since Jan 27 preparing for this. I spent 50-60 a week researching what was going on.


I started coughing Mar 7, I did the usual things for a cough but it became worse and worse. I decided I needed to treat it as COVID.


As my research developed, I ordered everything and anything that could help me as I know I can not depend on the system.


This is what I have used and I am 70 percent better. Tired. Cough a little. Slightly sore chest. Keep in mind I am throwing 100 bullets at it because I want to live. I think I will be fine but it is not as easy path and I hope to God it doesn't reactivate.


  1. Naproxen 375mg BID (antiviral.. I am not sure about the advil rumors but I have pericarditis and this virus is making my heart sore).

  2. Valtrex 500mg BID (has anti HIV qualities)

  3. Chloroquinine 300mg BID (I got off ebay - no longer there)

  4. Arbidol 50mg BID (ebay lno longer there)

  5. Colloidal silver BID ( I just think it helps keep viral loads down.. or also kills coinfections)

  6. Amoxil 200mg BID (prevotella)

  7. Vitamins D 5000IU one a day

  8. Liposomal Vitamin C I made at home 10g a day

  9. Zinc 50mg a day BID

  10. Castor oil pack nightly (increases T cell production)

  11. Zapper - cant hurt.

  12. Wash my sheets every 2 days

  13. Disinfect all surfaces daily

  14. Support my kidneys with marshmallow root and hydrangea root

  15. Support my liver with milk thistle.

  16. Support my guts with probiotics

  17. Support my brain with fish oil and choline

  18. micellized vitamin A

  19. Houttinya tincture (effective at protease inhibition and also show to work against SARS)

  20. Wormwood (teeny bit)


I realize a 20 point plan is a bit ridiculous but I am dedicated and I am healing. I tried to shoot everything at it.


I do not recommend you do the same but you an research these things and decide for yourself.


Most likely chloroquinine and Zpack will be enough.. I am an overachiever.


Also I am cleaning surfaces with Virkon-S


God Speed anons.