This makes me think the Cabal members will get together soon to do a live stream Fund raiser concert to take more of our funds for (((Them))) to steal, like after 911. NPCs will need a break from their Netflix and screaming kids to distract them.
Wag the dog. "Old shoe"
Pearl Jam has gone cabal and global warming propaganda and recently cancelled their tour.
Many others will be free to join.
I've seen local artists I follow doing no audience live streams….while stuck at home….good idea…online busking.
The rich won't sit idly letting the little guys make all the tips.
Bono, Elton John, "Queen"? Eddie Vedder, Taylor Swift, and some shitty rap stars/pop stars and other attention whores.
Hosted by DeNiro, Oprah, Ellen degenerate, Jimmy Kimmel…..you know the list.