Anonymous ID: f1f31c March 31, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.848618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Let me see if I can trigger some clowns.


So Q has repeatedly stated that this is a battle between GOOD and EVIL. What is the one and only thing Elohim warned Adam not to do before his fall? Eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


The moment you divide the creation in terms of good and evil, you are completely disengaging all faculties which could shed light on what is really going on.


There is a difference between GOOD and EVIL, and RIGHT and WRONG. This is the two trees in the garden; one utilizes ignorance, one utilizes moral intuition and wisdom.


Now let me expose Islam for what it is.


Book and idol. The "Jews" (remember, a real Jew is not one who is one outwardly, but inwardly, therefor "Jews" here means fake Jew) selected Muhammad and taught him for many years prior to his self-proclaimed "final prophet" status.


The Qur'an was written by these Jews; and Muhammad is a psychological idol erected by these same Jews. Why is SA often seen as run by crytpo-Jews?


Islam is essentially the military are of the (fake) Jews; they have used the Qur'an and Muhammad (who is an idol) to enslave the early Arabs and continued to this day.


This is why Islam is being used as a central component to destabilize the world; unbelievers/infidels = goyim, stealing from goyim (jizya), raping non-Muslims etc. It's all derived from the core fundamentals of what the "Jews" have been doing for thousands of years. Islam is literally their "army" and it is all based on BOOKS (Qur'an) and IDOLS (Muhammad).


The Muhammadans on't know this; that is why they are instructed to "protect" the image of Muhammad - because he is an idol.


And so it seems to me many don't realize how important Islam is when talking about the Cabal; we are talking about ~1.6 billion people who believe in this ideology and are willing to give their lives to defend it. And it is growing. And it is all made by the "Jews".


Jesus is also a psychological idol; he never lived. He is a solar myth based on the twelve zodiacal signs, hence twelve disciples, twelve sons of Jacob etc. This is all solar deity worship. There is no Jesus. Q quoting 3:16 is another indication that Q is trying to play on peoples emotions (tree of knowledge of good/evil once again).


Begin trigger. Sorry if the pill is too big.