Truly excellent in many ways on many levels, and for anons at all levels of knowledge (unless you've attended the Army War College and you already might know this stuff.)
Didya know Col. Q wrote a paper in Jan 2008, "Unwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock"? And now of course we have the pandemic - cleverly constructed so as not rise to the level of requiring a military response and not obviously breaking any laws … Can you spell 4th generation irregular warfare? Can these ops be foreseen? How does one do battle in this grey space?
For Christ's sake bookmark this if you are too busy chatting or hacking through the BS at the moment to sit back and watch it now.
Not a peep about the St. Gallen Group in this, but shillforce is gonna hate it anyway.
If this gets notabilized, I'll do a hundred pushups for ya, even if it takes a week of sessions.