tyb for the dank bakes
California Pulls $1.3 Billion From Reserves for chinavirus Fight
California said it was withdrawing $1.3 billion from its emergency reserve account to buy supplies and equipment needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s finance department said it was transferring the money to the disaster response-emergency operations account. The money will be used to purchase personal protective equipment and critical medical supplies, enhance the surge capacity of hospitals and medical facilities, and procure other items necessary to support the state’s efforts to combat the Covid-19 outbreak.
California is one of the states hardest hit by the pandemic, with more than 2,500 cases reported and 53 deaths. Newsom on March 19 ordered the state’s 40 million residents to go into home isolation in an effort to slow the spread and give hospitals time to prepare.
State lawmakers on March 16 approved a separate $500 million emergency spending package with authority to spend up to $1 billion from the general fund for the effort.
The state has about $21 billion in surplus money put aside.
it's bullshit..they don't have it. They just claim to. Been broke for years and surviving off of muh emergency federal funds.
TEPCO: Fukushima… dumping water laced with tritium poses no safety hazard
Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant where 1.2 million tons of radioactive water produced in the aftermath of the disaster is in storage tanks, offered assurances that the water can safely be discharged into the Pacific Ocean after it has been processed. But to ensure absolute safety, the process could take as long as 30 years or so.
It is a pressing issue as TEPCO has nearly run out of space to store the water at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power complex. TEPCO said that even though the water contains tritium, a particularly nasty substance that is difficult to remove completely through processing, it would be safe to release because the affected area will be limited to around the nuclear plant.
A TEPCO official stated that the tritium density of the water would "be sufficiently lower than the standard for drinking water." TEPCO on March 24 for the first time released a prediction of how the processed contaminated water would spread in the sea at the time of its release. Even if the maximum volume in storage under the current plan was released, it said areas where the density of tritium exceeded the current level in the seawater would range 30 kilometers north to south and extend 2 km offshore.
The central government said it would hold meetings to hear the views of people who feel their economic livelihoods would be affected by the discharge on April 6 in Fukushima Prefecture. A subcommittee under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering releasing the water into the sea as the technically easiest option. In February, it proposed two ideas, release into the ocean or the atmosphere, as “realistic options” after it considered five methods of disposal.
First, the contaminated water will be reprocessed with equipment called advanced liquid processing systems, or ALPS. All radioactive materials, with the exception of tritium, will be removed until the level of contamination is lower than existing standards to permit release. When it comes to dealing with the tritium, the reprocessed water will be diluted with seawater to lower the density of the radioactive substance so that it meets TEPCO's current discharge standard of 1,500 becquerels per liter.
Another option is to release the water into the atmosphere by vaporizing the tritium-laced water into steam and mixing it with air so that it dilutes safely and poses no health hazard to people on the ground.
hey…why fret the details right? kek
..they have to get the correct backstory to tell the public "we're gonna do this".
>we've already done it
great job with the new baker today. Was a pleasure to watch. threw them some love meme-wise
I'm great. thanks for asking.
Stay quiet most of the time now.
plenty of pf'ing and mkt stuff to do and
have to 'run' the house at the same time.
spouse off tomorrow as they have shifted to
one day in, one day out. Love the masks and gloves on everyone around here.
Went to costco last friday evening and you would think it was a bio-containment facility
hit you guise with memes all the time just to peek in every now and then..they are just named as is and no random codes..still do it old skool.
speaking of banks..went to cash IRS check and they said I could only get $500 in cash from a check of almost $3k. They know I know about the banks because I told the mgr about the switch in processing from fed to treasury in 2017. I complied this time without saying anything…bite my lip time. Have to keep the relationship and I rarely ever go in.
You have any issues lately on that front?
get you some credit union. different depositor insurance…not FDIC it's NCUA. FDIC couldn't pay off 5% of what they say they can cover. They have never had it. That increase in insurance levels back in 2010 or perhaps 2009-can't recall exact date was just a confidence thing. When you have some time-like you ever do-kek! look up the FDIC and Shelia Bair when they started doing the shotgun wedding bank "failures" early '08 and on. It's hilarious what they tried to get people to believe-and unfortunately people swallowed it.
I saw that UBS sold another chunk today but did not put it..fatigue with that. $3.6m.
It was funny, I was just about to offer you a break when the new one showed. They were on it from the start.
give G a shout out and have a good rest of your evening. I'm out after this one done.
and where is your list faggot?
please grace us all with your interpretation of how it should be for everyone here.