Thanks, baker.
Not scared at all. It's the exact opposite - I find it incredibly exciting!
>new job is closing until June
Well good news is that you'll get $2400/mo for 4 months. That's twice as much as working people will get. For you, in LA, it may not be much, but it's $2400/mo more than nothing.
The requirements have been relaxed - take a gander
scroll down to Unemployment.
Also if you have a mortgage, this is addressed as well in the same article - scroll down to Mortgage relief for wide swath of borrowers
Thank you for keeping us updated and being tenacious.
Is there anything that you need (besides others not being dicks) that anons can look into for you?
So, the "Germans" were really Americans from Georgia (where the CDC is located)….
>we are doing here is creating the most influential movement in history
Indeed we are.
> I was right where I was supposed to be
Me, too - I've been waiting for this my entire life, and finally I get to participate and serve others -anons and normalfags. It's beautiful
That's what it is all about - helping American citizens to make it through this as unharmed as possible.
I haven't called a lender at this point.
>Mine is already offering this and it's not one of these federally backed lenders. Right now they offered one month, which was helpful.
That is really heartening - they have stepped up to the plate even before legislation was passed. (POTUS signed some legislation on Friday, he said in the presser on Friday, separate from the one they're voting on tonight).
So other anons, or friends/family need to know this - help is there, it's really important to find out what's already available.
> Also my car auto loan too, different lender gave me 120 days.
Thank you for letting us know this, it's really good to know.
>Dr. Birx, Corona Virus "Press Secretary", is Dana Perino from the future. Listen with eyes closed to Dr. Birx voice in below clip
No, they are not the same people at all. They do not enunciate their words the same their voice is not the same, their speech patterns are not the same, their inflection pattern is not the same.