Anonymous ID: 74865f March 25, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.8567611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7662



Should anons trust FEMA ? … Cooper wants to know.


" Nixon's order, which is the one in effect today, allows the government in the form of FEMA to suspend the Constitution for literally any reason they decide to call a national emergency. I CANNOT FIND A PLAN OR EXECUTIVE ORDER ANYWHERE WHICH OUTLINES ANY PROCEDURE OR ALLOWANCE FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE CONSTITUTION AFTER A NATIONAL EMERGENCY HAS ENDED. THIS LEADS TO THE OBVIOUS CONCLUSION THAT NO RESTORATION OF THE CONSTITUTION IS CONTEMPLATED OR DESIRED BY THOSE IN POWER.In 1975, Senator Tunney expressed concern, "We know, from what we've heard in the press, that 15,000 names were being maintained by the FBI for detention in an emergency…We also know that the IRS had its files''


The only document that I was able to find that attempts to outline some of the statutory authority of Mount Weather is Executive Order 11490. It was drafted by Gen. George A. Lincoln, former director for the Office of Emergency Preparedness (preceded FPA) and was signed into law by President Nixon in October 1969. Executive Order 11490 superseded Executive Order 11051, signed on October 2,1962, by President Kennedy.


pale rider

Anonymous ID: 74865f March 25, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.8567630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7649

' We at the executive level here were active in either OSS, the State Department, or the European Economic Administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directions issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives, the substance of which were to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter a life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.


H. Rowan Gaither

President of the Ford Foundation 1953

Anonymous ID: 74865f March 25, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.8567671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you want to know , what IT is ?

It ….. is all around you. The world that has been built , to blind you.


" 122 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper


FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Agency)The following is a transcript of an audiotape with an urgent message to the people from William Cooper on the subject of H.R. 4079. We must stop the traitors now. William Cooper dictated this information to me by phone early in 1990 and I tape-recorded the information as he gave it. I made many tapes and sent them out exactly as Mr. Cooper has asked me to do and those recipients have done the same. My name is Richard Murray and I believe that William Cooper is the only man in America outside the Secret Government who truly knows what is happening and what it means to us, the average American Citizens.''

Anonymous ID: 74865f March 25, 2020, 9 p.m. No.8567743   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Meet " The Big Club "


" The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of America's foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars, and political leaders that studies global problems and plays a key role in developing U.S. foreign policy. The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America's role in international affairs. It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale,