with all you lotsas around
i'll check bak later, 3 hrs i guess
last night, senate was still plottin' & plannin'
tonite too??
late' nite's the IT shift!
there's one thing that never changes anon:
there are dickheads everywhere.
comforting to know that something is solidโฆ..
ty for your stubbornness!
stole it.
guess i'll go for now
usually look for a tag 'bout now
but no matter, be bak to bake latah
might work very fast
zpak worked fast when i had pneumonia
wouldn't be surprised to get quick feedback
good news soon
Nice bun, baker!
yep, sucks doesn't it?
not sad tho.
plenty of folks to redpill.
and some are beginning to wake upโฆ.
agree. even if drug therapy works fast, they will wait to be sureโฆ.weekend is soon enough.
know yer not on now
prolly guud
you're a bakin' fool
i'll just show up later
and see what happens
have a good one,