My impression is that the med pros are told to tell everyone the virus is serious and to dodge specific questions about patient numbers etc. My local ER was EMPTY last night and had 1 person when I went back last week. Doctor outside smoking a cigar and chillin.
GITMO has housed up to 30,000 prisoners during the Clinton Admin.
Apply for a no-repay corona "loan" through the sba. Rich Uncle Don wants to give you some of your money back. Not kidding.
I used to hang out at Kennedy Center quite a bit. DC has old underground passages etc. from the slavery days. I saw some, pretty scary really.
Hey, Fredo's smart, he can handle things!
Ive been hearing for years that hand sanitizer has harmful chems in it, I avoid it.
aka Zero.
What if 1000 Marines are aboard? Trojan Horse move.
The national death rate is actually declining precipitously. Illegals are self-deporting. We may have some semblance of America again soon?
Cohomo has been beclowning himself every day.
I wouldn't argue against this.
Is he still absent?
I was told that many slaves were kept underground all the time and moved around that way, so the upstanding citizens of Washington wouldn't have to see them. I worked in an old building that had stables-like areas in the underground basement, you could still see where the chains were attached.
Operation Trojan Horse?
Hannity covers CNN and msnbc almost as much as he covers potus.
By April 30, Creepy won't even know his own name.