Medical anons, please help with spoofy pix
Please help out.
What could be "treated" here?
Patients are YOUNG-ish. Look at smooth skins. Ignore the grey hair. Could be a wig. These skins don't look a day over 35.
Looks to me that these patients are not on a ventilator.
head injuries?
Why are they on their tummy? Which conditions require that?
Can medic anons spot if they 're hooked up at ALL? I can see what looks like urine catheter, but could also be a drain?
Is the equipment needed present in the room?
do the wall mounts/fictures look normal?
if right machines are there, are they plugged in?
are the patients properly put on IV's or are the IV's hooked up incorrectly??
can medic anons put circles/arrows on pix to explain stuff?
PLEASE HELP OUT and point out anything additional that can be seen. There pix are WEIRD. We need to investigate. Thanks, anons.