Damn but Americans are lucky!
I, unfortunately, live in a socialist utopia, created by a traitor and today reinforced and increased under his treasonous spawn…Canada.
I watch President Trump's China Virus updates nearly every day and at least clips of the update on some of the patriotic news aggregate channels on yt and I also try and watch the outright lies, misinformation, socialist propaganda from the wannabe African/Arab/non-white globalist scum appointed sock-puppet masquerading as a Canadian politician, and there is one thing that really stands out.
When the American government leadership holds their updates it includes professionals in medicine, professionals in industry…all wanting to help. The American update includes information for the public such as possible benefits of different medicines, encouraging the FDA to look at allowing more and more potential treatments of already existing medicines that show quite astounding potential! The American update includes information on things that the globalist propaganda media just doesn't have the intellect to comprehend - witness mad cow the other day trying to insult the America Government by claiming they were lying about the United States Navy stating they would be able to be in NY in days…and still not apologizing for her Fear Porn…(as an aside, mad cow isn't attractive enough to have anything to do with any type of porn, Fear Porn or otherwise).
Sadly, here in the socialist utopia, there is no mention of possible cures, no studies being mentioned; funding is going to "charities" for illegal aliens and other socialist-favored causes…myself, being a single, old while guy who has paid taxes since the late '60's, is in the category of the socialists and the globalist scum like little billy gates who need to die so I don't think I'm going to get anything more than a mention as belonging to a "group" - seniors who gates wants to die.
So to Americans…I'm jealous but happy that at least in your country there are many positives ongoing even through - and in spite of - the disgusting treason of the demonrats and the jack-off followers in their propaganda-arm.
Pray for those of us living in the socialist utopia of Canada as many of us pray that as soon as President Trump, Q and the Q-Team have saved America that they turn their attention to the scum destroying Canada and stripping the wealth of our nation and gifting it to the same globalist pigs that make up the [DS] in N. America.