Nice work, baker.
Notablewbs at 150
Let me know if I missed anything
>>8636976 Is your favorite stripper a C_A agent?
>>8636992 Special forces teams study recoil videos at every opportunity
>>8637000 National Institutes of Health issues eye protection warning due to scratched corneas
>>8637006 Does social distancing apply in the shower?
>>8637014 Contaminated beaker found outside NJ apartment
>>8637078 Urban camouflage pattern tested, and the results are depressing
>Russia may send plane with medical equipment to US by end of day
In related news, Adam Schiff is holding a news conference to present new evidence of Russian collusion.
>I just got out of an emergency room from North Dallas area - heavily populated area. The waiting room was empty
Anon lives near a normally busy hospital, and can't remember the last time I heard an ambulance or helicopter.
It's like all the old farts just stopped having heart attacks.