I think the 5G fear misinformation spread by China to hide the real sabotage/infiltration if 5G they tried to do through H
The sauce is the interviews, which may be full of shit, but are data points.
It should be in notables, so day shift anons can judge for themselves
Now or April 3? The doubt is probably deliberate.
Theory: The Cabal designed a bioweapon to kill 2-10 million people ww. White hats defused it to a harmless variety but also tainted their androchrome supply. Now thousands of vampires face a choice:
Die of the terrible disease they planned to inflict on others.
Kill themselves.
Turn in and confess in exchange for the cure.
If true, and they know it, they would be furious and see the white hats/Trump as murdering them.
(This seems too good to be true.)
What if they are ahead of schedule and moved up events from Christmas to April Foos day.