Anonymous ID: 446a76 April 1, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.8649698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agree with this.


My company is still working, from home. (Architecture– construction is still rolling along…)


Lots of deadlines and conference calls. But I have kids, and nobody to now watch them. So my wife and I argue. Our parents are all quarantined, buying into the hysteria, and viciously rebuking any other relative who offers to come watch our babies. (Fear of getting babies sick.)


This is such bullshit. It is a total nightmare. Please start the arrests, already, and end the quarantine. We're all sick of it.

Anonymous ID: 446a76 April 1, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.8649962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0018 >>0027 >>0042


Hard to argue with this sentiment.


I suspect the REAL reason for this Q backchannel was to keep us all calm.


Were it not for his drops, we would have already marched on DC.


Patience is growing thin. Words become meaningless in times of crisis. I commend Trump for everything he has done– it is beyond amazing. But he can't do it alone, and we have been let down too many times to count. ("It's happening!!!")


Perhaps it is time to begin drawing up contingency plans, should Q fail or end up being a psyop.


Q can't expect us all to stand by idle and watch the world burn.