Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.8649710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seriously Anons we should collecting a book of quotable quotes by Biden


Biden Says President “Has To Be Able to Provide For Providing Significantly No More Masks


Wait, what?!

Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.8649771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I said the other day, why I’m the world would countries by any medical supplies from China


BIG LEAGUE WELLNESSVIDEO: Chinese Factory Worker Caught Contaminating Hundreds of Medical Face Masks


A video of a Chinese factory worker deliberately contaminating medical face masks is going viral, as the coronavirus scare continues to heighten.


The factory worker can be seen taking the face masks out of their packaging and rubbing them all over his feet while laughing in the video.


This video emerged on the same day that New York City received a massive cache of facemasks from China under “Project Airbridge” in conjunction with the Trump administration.


The White House stated that a “majority of these supplies will be provided by FEMA to the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut with the rest going to nursing homes in the area and to other high risk areas across the country.” However, it is unclear whether or not these emergency supplies from China are tainted. China has already been shown to be sending poor and ineffective medical supplies throughout the West during the coronavirus crisis.


Officials in the Netherlands were forced to recall hundreds of thousands of faulty face masks bought from China on Sunday:

Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.8649816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9951

Anon mentioned in last bread why Walmart didn’t have masks or gloves on their people


Walmart Begins Temperature Checks of Employees, Offering Masks and Gloves to Mitigate Coronavirus Pandemic

The retailer is getting serious about combating the threat.


They wrote on Tuesday that “to better serve our customers and promote a safe and healthy workplace for our associates, we are taking the following actions in our U.S.-based stores, clubs and supply chain locations over the next few weeks:


taking the temperatures of our associates as they report to work, as well as asking them some basic health screening questions

making masks and gloves available, as supplies permit, for associates who want to wear them

continuing to take steps to promote social distancing”

Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8649870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924

Q+ and Q we’ve had enough of these clowns, take them down now, please! And while you’re at it close down WAPO


Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff Wants ‘9/11 Commission’ on Coronavirus: ‘What Went Wrong


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Monday he will introduce a bill to create a “nonpartisan commission” to study “our mistakes” on coronavirus — which spread while Schiff was leading the effort to impeach and remove the president.


As Breitbart News has noted, Democrats handed over the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on the very day the first coronavirus victim landed in the U.S. from China. Congress spent the next 20 days on the impeachment trial, led by Schiff as head impeachment manager and chair of the House Intelligence Committee. It was not until Trump was acquitted Feb. 5 that a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing on coronavirus.


Schiff, as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, receives briefings on threats facing the United States.


His proposed new bill would create a “9/11 Commission”-style inquiry into how the U.S. dealt with coronavirus.


Schiff broke the news of his bill with David Ignatius of the Washington Post — the same columnist who broke the news in January 2017 that incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had spoken with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn had been “unmasked” in transcripts of wiretapped telephone conversations.


Much of Ignatius’s article on Schiff’s bill focuses on Ambassador Richard Grenell, whom Ignatius accuses — citing “[c]areer officials” — of “trying to shape intelligence that might challenge or embarrass Trump” on coronavirus. Grenell, who served as U.S. ambassador to Germany, was recently named acting Director of National Intelligence.

Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8649920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9935 >>9936 >>9974

Oh shit panic guys, the end time are here!!!!!


Alarmists: Climate Change Making Nightingales’ Wings Shorter


Climate change is causing the wings of nightingales to get shorter, endangering their ability to migrate, the Guardian newspaper reported Wednesday.


In what appeared an April fools joke at first glance, the UK’s flagship of climate alarmism announced that thanks to climate change there are barely 7,000 nesting pairs of nightingales left in England, since fewer are able to make the journey from sub-Saharan Africa to breed in Europe.

Anonymous ID: e075c7 April 1, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.8649963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here you go autists and anons that already knew this


U.S. Naval Institute’s LaGrone: Navy, Marine Corps Transition for Chinese Threat — ‘China Is Very Much on Everybody’s Mind


Jeff Poor31 Mar 2020


Although the spread of the coronavirus has made the threat China poses to the United States a front-burner topic, the rise of the Asian superpower has been something both U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have been evaluating for quite some time.


That is according to Sam LaGrone, a reporter and editor for USNI News, the online news and analysis portal of the Annapolis, MD-based U.S. Naval Institute.


LaGrone told Huntsville, AL radio WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show” on Tuesday that the Marine Corps was undergoing a transition to make it more suited for a potential conflict against China.


“China is pretty much what’s on everybody’s mind right now as far as the Marine Corps goes,” LaGrone said. “That story — we’ve covered that a lot at USNI News, the Marines’ shift from ostensibly a second ground army during Iraq and Afghanistan to something that’s more mobile. The military likes to use the term ‘expeditionary,’ which is kind of short-hand for being able to go to faraway places with little notice and support yourself logistically.”


“That resulted in some relatively extreme moves by the Marine Corps, or what some people would say were extreme moves by the Marine Corps — like they’re going to get rid of their tank division and most of their mobile artillery, and they’re routing money that they had from those programs into anti-ship missiles that can fire from a shore, orienting themselves around a new World War II-style island-hopping campaign — move throughout different places throughout the South Pacific to keep an adversary like China on their toes,” he continued.


The same applied to the U.S. Navy, as well as it embarks upon an overhaul.


“As far as the Navy goes, that’s something the Navy is thinking about all the time,” LaGrone added. “I think everything the Navy is moving toward in the future — they’re getting ready to buy a whole new generation of aircraft, and a whole new generation of ships, and a whole new generation of submarines. And they’re really starting to zero-in on what China potentially has to offer as a threat, both with their equipment and the geography they have to overcome. China is very much on everybody’s mind.”