People don't seem to realize the traitor that just moved to the USA with the fawning Press welcoming him.
Prince Harry was the #4 Commander of the British Army. The Queen is the Supreme Commander.
Harry had access to the HIGHEST LEVELS of Intelligence and was NOT COMPARTMENTALIZED because of his rank. He was comparable to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
Obama/DS turned him and HE WAS the source of Five Eyes authorization to spy on Trump through Britain/Australia/New Zealand (The Queen commands their forces too).
The deal with the Queen was that traitor Harry was to abdicate and move to Canada. He abrogated the agreement that let him escape being charged with treason.
The Harry situation is not over, not by a long shot. I doubt very seriously that Trump isn't going to let the guy that turned Five Eyes spying on to spy directly on Trump, his family and his associates.
Stay tuned.