Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.8650122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0180 >>0535



>>8649293 Diamond Princess Turns out 712 people tested positive (that means 2,999 did not!) and 10 people died. That puts the mortality rate at 1.4%

>>8649320 NY started using hydrocholoquine/azithromycin last Tuesday (March 24). Why are there no reports about the success or failure?

>>8649340 China Virus death rate <1%

>>8649567, >>8649596, >>8649910 Clowns blame China in leaked report

>>8649681, >>8649720 Alex Jones is saying him working for the Jews , is a Q-ism

>>8649771 Chinese Factory Worker Caught Contaminating Hundreds of Medical Face Masks

>>8649815 Hidden from the American Public – 74-78% of COVID-19 Patients have At Least One Underlying Health Problem

>>8649847 China Puts Entire County On Lockdown After New Corona Cluster Emerges

>>8649866 ‘Culling’ the old & weak: Eugenics and social Darwinism rear their ugly heads in the Covid-19 pandemic

>>8649870 Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff Wants ‘9/11 Commission’ on Coronavirus: ‘What Went Wrong

>>8649963 .S. Naval Institute’s LaGrone: Navy, Marine Corps Transition for Chinese Threat



Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.8650128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0361

US provides nearly 15% of WHO's budget, China just .2%. Now, a GOP senator is calling for an investigation


'They need to be held accountable'


Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) is calling for a congressional investigation into the World Health Organization for its "role in helping Communist China cover up" critical information about the coronavirus.


In a statement, Scott said the WHO is acting as a "pawn" for China's communist government.


Specifically, Scott is accusing the WHO of "willfully parroting propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party," "praising China's coronavirus response and transparency" despite facts showing China has been anything but transparent, allowing China to use top WHO advisers for their propaganda, and refusing to address concerns about the WHO's relationship — or lack thereof — with Taiwan.


Scott said:


The mission of the WHO is to get public health information to the world so every country can make the best decisions to keep their citizens safe. When it comes to Coronavirus, the WHO failed. They need to be held accountable for their role in promoting misinformation and helping Communist China cover up a global pandemic.


We know Communist China is lying about how many cases and deaths they have, what they knew and when they knew it – and the WHO never bothered to investigate further. Their inaction cost lives.


Interestingly, the United States is the primary funder for the WHO, contributing nearly 15% of the international body's annual budget. On the other hand, China contributes just .21% of China's annual budget.


Scott said a congressional investigation into the WHO should review whether the U.S. taxpayers continue to fund the WHO.


"As soon as Congress is back in session, there should be a hearing, along with a full investigation, to review whether American taxpayers should continue to spend millions of dollars every year to fund an organization that willfully parroted propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party," Scott said.


Not only has the WHO carried China's water, but its director-general, Tedros Adhanom, appears to have a symbiotic relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, further indicating why the WHO has so heavily relied on China during the COVID-19 crisis.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.8650138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0197

European Banks Suspend Dividends; Banker Bonuses Are Next


Two of Europe's largest banks tumbled on Wednesday, dragging down the broader Eurostoxx Bank Index, after they joined the rest of their peers in suspending shareholder payouts.


HSBC plunged in Hong Kong trading after scrapping its dividend and warning revenue and loan losses will be impacted in the first quarter from the coronavirus outbreak. The bank's shares dropped over 7% bringing this year's decline to 33%. Meanwhile, Standard Chartered tumbled 5.2% after it too announced a suspension of dividends and a buyback plan.


In a statement on Tuesday, HSBC said that "we expect reported revenues to be impacted in insurance manufacturing, and credit and funding valuation adjustments in global banking & markets, alongside higher expected credit losses." The bank had earlier said in the most extreme scenario, in which the virus continues into the second half of 2020, it could see US$600 million in additional loan losses.


In order to preserve liquidity amid a global depression, European (and US) banks have been scrapping shareholder payouts to protect their capital cushions. Along with other UK banks, HSBC decided to scrap dividend payments after urging from UK regulators. The lender said it would cancel an interim dividend slated to be paid this month and also make no payouts or do any buybacks until at least the end of the year.


In total, the UK's five biggest banks had planned to pay out £7.5 billion in dividends over the next two months, with Barclays due to pay more than £1 billion on Friday. That money will now go where it should have been from the start: a rainy day fund, i.e., money that will be spent first before banks ask for - and receive - a bailout.


    • *


But if shareholders are impacted, why not also the biggest source of bank cash: banker bonuses.


Well, it seems that's next on the docket, because as Bloomberg reports, European banks are coming under increased pressure to reconsider bonus payments and conserve money that can be used to support the economy. In its strongest warning to date, the European Banking Authority said banks should set pay and especially bonuses at a “conservative level” during the crisis. Firms should also consider deferring awards for a longer period and paying staff in shares.


Lenders should review pay plans to "ensure that they are consistent with and promote sound and effective risk management also reflecting the current economic situation,” the EBA, which coordinates standards across the region, said in a statement on Tuesday. The guidance followed a warning from the European Central Bank’s top supervisor, Andrea Enria, who said in a Bloomberg TV interview that lenders should be cautious about awarding bonuses.


“Banks, shareholders, managers and key risk takers should also take part in the rethink of where we are right now and try to preserve as much capital as possible,” Enria said. "Our recommendation to banks is to be very moderate on” bonuses, he added.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.8650143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189 >>0204 >>0258 >>0261 >>0385 >>0637 >>0728

Graphic Video Shows Cop Nearly Shoot Fellow Officer While Killing a Suspect


Louisville, KY — Graphic body camera footage was released this week from the body cameras of two Louisville Metro Police Department officers showing the killing of 44-year-old Jessie Stringfield.


Only seconds after arriving on the scene, officer Michael Johnson of LMPD’s First Division told Stringfield he was going to shoot him. Seconds after that, Johnson made good on his promise.


According to Lt. Ted Eidem of LMPD’s Public Integrity Unit, an officer with the Heritage Creek Police Department was working off duty at the Dosker Manor housing complex at the 400 block of East Muhammad Ali Boulevard. While there, that officer spoke with security employees who said they had been having trouble with a man who had been threatening residents, saying he had a gun and using racial epithets, as reported by WDRB.


Police say that man was identified as Stringfield, who had an outstanding bench warrant.


As the video shows, Johnson arrives on the scene as another officer with the University of Louisville police department was getting out of his SUV.


“Freeze mother-fker!” Johnson shouts. “Get on the ground! Motherfker! Get on the ground right now!”


“Why?” Stringfield asks.


“Because I’m gonna shoot your f**king ass if you don’t!” Johnson yells.


The University of Louisville officer then moves in to put Stringfield into custody and a struggle ensues. Stringfield appears to have his hands above his head before reaching back toward his hoodie pockets.


As the UL officer struggles with Stringfield, he is in the direct line of fire from Johnson’s pistol. At this point, Johnson fires a single round, right in the direction of the UL officer, but striking Stringfield in the abdomen.


Stringfield immediately collapses to the ground and a gun appears about 10 feet from his body, indicating that he was likely pulling out the gun and threw or dropped it as he was killed.


The UL officer was so close to the exploding round that it appeared to have hurt or shocked him. Johnson asks the UL officer if he was alright and the officer responds that he is but he is in noticeable pain and shock as he holds his extended hand out in front of him.


Anyone who has done a lot of shooting knows that the percussion from a .40 cal round is significant. If that round is pointing in your direction, essentially at point blank, it will like feel like you were holding a firecracker in your hand as it went off. This appears to be what the officer was feeling.


“We have been reminded far too often lately just how dangerous this job of policing is,” LMPD Chief Steve Conrad told reporters on an online feed.


Indeed, it did appear that these officers were in danger. Stringfield was reportedly known for carrying a pistol and it appeared that he tried to pull it out. However, while making a split second decision, the officers never attempted less than lethal force like a taser that could’ve prevented the loss of life.


What’s more is the fact that Johnson’s split second decision nearly killed his fellow officer.


According to the LMPD, Johnson has been temporarily reassigned pending the outcome of the investigation.


“The officers were fortunate with the outcome that they were able to respond quickly with the weapon on them without the two them being hurt,” he said.


It is unclear as to why the department released the body camera footage and not the dash camera footage from the female officer’s car. This would have shown the entire scene from a wide angle. Below are the videos.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8650150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0389 >>0485 >>0614 >>0716 >>0745

Populist AfD urges end to sanctions against Russia amid economic fallout caused by virus


Germany’s populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has urged the country’s lawmakers yet again to end sanctions against Russia amid the difficult economic situation caused by the Chinese COVID-19 virus.


The Right-wing populist party has called on Germany to oppose extending sanctions levied against Russia at the next meeting between EU heads of state, adding that Russia should be restored as a member of the G7 and other transnational organizations, Junge Freiheit reports.


Failing to lift the current sanctions that are in place against Russia would result in the German economy losing eight billion euros each year, AfD’s parliamentary group argues. To add insult to injury, the Chinese COVID-19 virus is expected to hit the German economy hard. The economic output of the country expected to drop by at least 5 percent due to the crisis.


With these figures in mind, AfD lawmakers have argued: “The quickest possible lifting of the Russia sanctions would be a cost-neutral and effective economic stimulus package in times of the corona crisis.”


Furthermore, AfD’s parliamentary group in the Bundestag has called for increased cooperation in research and development between the two countries.


This isn’t the first time that lawmakers in the AfD have urged fellow German politicians to lift the sanctions against Russia. In 2018, the party’s parliamentary group also urged lawmakers in the Bundestag to end Russian sanctions.


Sanctions against Russia were first introduced in March 2014 following the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. Shortly thereafter, sanctions were further tightened.


Since then, harsh sanctions have been imposed on several Russian banks, industrial groups, and citizens.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.8650157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0311 >>0631

European Union Will ‘Cease to Exist’ Over Coronavirus Response Failure, Warn Italian Politicians


A group of Italian politicians have warned that the European Union will “cease to exist” if countries in the bloc refuse to increase funding to the nations hardest hit by the Chinese coronavirus.


On Tuesday, mayors and other politicians from Italy took out a full-page advertisement in a German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, criticising the Netherlands and Germany for refusing to back so-called “coronabonds” to underwrite the debt accumulated by Italy and other coronavirus epicentre countries in the European Union.


“Dear German friends, with the coronavirus the shared history of the Western world has once again taken centre stage,” the Italian politicians wrote.


“Today the EU does not have the means to respond to the crisis in a united front. If it does not prove that it exists, it will cease to exist,” they warned.


The politicians, led by Italian MEP Carlo Calenda, drew a comparison to the aftermath of the Second World War when Italy along with other European powers agreed to partially dissolve debt accrued by Germany, which they claim the country could “never have paid” back.


The Italians also drew aim at the Netherlands, whom they accuse lacking “ethics and solidarity” for blocking emergency coronavirus funding, despite “using its tax system to withdraw tax revenue from major European countries for years”.


The message of the letter drew support from the leader of the Dutch Christian Union (CU) party, Gert-Jan Segers, who called for a Marshal Plan style of approach in dealing with the economic fallout of the pandemic.


“[Italy] is in ruins. The first message, in my opinion, would be: we are going to help you,” Segers said per the NL Times.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8650169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0389 >>0485 >>0614 >>0716 >>0745

Human rights groups ask Council of Europe to crack down on ‘authoritarian’ governments


Ten human rights groups are petitioning the Council of Europe to take action against governments that they claim are exploiting the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to introduce authoritarian measures.


A number of European administrations, including Boris Johnson’s in the UK, have passed emergency laws that temporarily limit parliaments and increase the central government’s powers to act without going through the usual legislative procedures. Such governments claim that these measures are necessary to allow them to act quickly in response to the rapidly evolving crisis as it unfolds.


In some cases this includes laws that make spreading false or distorted information pertaining to the coronavirus crisis a punishable offense.


But the human rights organizations involved in the petition think that these governments are going too far. They particularly single out Czechia, Hungary, and Slovenia as being guilty of anti-democratic overreach. “We believe that some Council of Europe Member States are at risk of derogating from the European Convention on Human Rights,” it says in their letter, which has been published at the Council of Europe website.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.8650185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sixty Australian newspapers to stop printing



(AFP) – Rupert Murdoch’s Australian flagship media group News Corp announced Wednesday it will stop printing around 60 regional newspapers, as the troubled sector received a fresh blow from a COVID-19 advertising downturn.


News Corp said papers in the states of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia would cease printing and move online.


“We have not taken this decision lightly,” News Corp Australasia Executive Chairman Michael Miller was quoted as saying by the group’s Australian newspaper title.


“The coronavirus crisis has created unprecedented economic pressures and we are doing everything we can to preserve as many jobs as possible.”


“The suspension of our community print editions has been forced on us by the rapid decline in advertising revenues following the restrictions placed on real estate auctions and home inspections, the forced closure of event venues and dine-in restaurants in the wake of the coronavirus emergency, ” he added.


Many Australian media groups had already been shifting to focus to online content before the pandemic began.


The announcement follows a series of media closure announcements, including national wire AAP, which is due to cease work later this year.


The move has echoed a global trend.


The largest US newspaper publisher, Gannett, said on Monday it was making unspecified furloughs and pay cuts for its staff.


Falling readerships and the rise of Google and Facebook as dominant players in advertising has made news organisations less profitable

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.8650202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0265 >>0363

Los Zetas Cartel Strike Team Commander Dies After Mexican Border City Ambush


NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas – The leader of a feared strike team from the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas died during an ambush attack on state police. The commander was a “most wanted” fugitive by U.S and Mexican authorities. His team is considered responsible for local shootouts.


The shootout took place early Sunday when gunmen with Tropa del Infierno attacked a police convoy near the Santa Teresa Hotel on Reforma Avenue. The gunmen rode in several SUVs–some with makeshift armor plating.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8650319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0334

Israel attacks Palestinians as they fight COVID-19


Israeli occupation forces continue to attack Palestinian communities as they struggle to hold back the threat from the coronavirus pandemic.


Occupation forces wearing hazmat suits and carrying assault rifles raided a home near Ramallah early Tuesday:




Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 31 March 2020

Women pour dry beans into bags


Workers for the United Nations agency UNRWA in Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip, prepare food rations to be delivered to the homes of Palestinian refugee families on 31 March, in an effort to avoid people congregating at distribution centers, as a measure to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 in the densely populated territory. Ashraf Amra APA images


Israeli occupation forces continue to attack Palestinian communities as they struggle to hold back the threat from the coronavirus pandemic.


Occupation forces wearing hazmat suits and carrying assault rifles raided a home near Ramallah early Tuesday:


According to local media, occupation forces detained at least four Palestinians during overnight raids on homes in and around the West Bank city of Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority.


On Tuesday evening, Israeli forces confiscated food parcels that were due to be distributed to quarantined families in Sur Baher, a village south of Jerusalem:




Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 31 March 2020

Women pour dry beans into bags


Workers for the United Nations agency UNRWA in Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip, prepare food rations to be delivered to the homes of Palestinian refugee families on 31 March, in an effort to avoid people congregating at distribution centers, as a measure to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 in the densely populated territory. Ashraf Amra APA images


Israeli occupation forces continue to attack Palestinian communities as they struggle to hold back the threat from the coronavirus pandemic.


Occupation forces wearing hazmat suits and carrying assault rifles raided a home near Ramallah early Tuesday:


According to local media, occupation forces detained at least four Palestinians during overnight raids on homes in and around the West Bank city of Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority.


On Tuesday evening, Israeli forces confiscated food parcels that were due to be distributed to quarantined families in Sur Baher, a village south of Jerusalem:


According to Palestinian media, occupation forces raided a school where the parcels were being prepared, detained four members of the local emergency committee and seized 300 food packages.


The charitable distribution was supported by contributions from Palestinian citizens of Israel.


Israeli forces also carried out raids and detentions in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.8650378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0413 >>0474 >>0485 >>0614 >>0716 >>0745

PERSPECTIVE: CDC Statistical Estimates for the 2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season


The current flu season is now winding down. These are the Preliminary Burden Estimates for the 2019-2020 Flu Season from the CDC.


Note that the figures for these four categories are only mid-line compared to the CDC estimate ranges.


Influenza-Related from October 1, 2019 to March 14, 2020:



MEDICAL VISITS: 22,000,000


DEATHS: 43,000 (including 100 children)


Here are the U.S. COVID-19 stats as of March 31, 2020:




DEATHS: 3,424

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8650407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Biggest Fraud in History is Happening Right Before Our Eyes


“When I consider Life, ’tis all a cheat;

Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit;

Trust on, and think to-morrow will repay:

To-morrow’s falser than the former day;

Lies worse; and while it says, we shall be blest

With some new joys, cuts off what we possesst.”

~ John Dryden, Aureng-Zebe


More and more evidence is forthcoming daily that this new coronavirus called Covid-19, is not only being blown out of proportion, but is purposely being manipulated to show many more deaths than are actually caused by this mystery virus. In some cases, as in Italy, the so-called current epicenter of this falsely identified pandemic, the obvious deception is easy to identify, but it goes on none the less; this due to the perpetrators of this fraud understanding that fear sells, and allows for the unimpeded ease of population control. This is partially due to a weakness of mind, but also to the fact that the American public is no longer independent and free, but is beholding to the state as guardian of the flock.


Much of the hype surrounding this ordeal has been refuted, and those responsible for making magnificent and unsubstantiated death claims early on have not only backed off, but have ratcheted down their initial warnings exponentially. This was done quietly and without fanfare of course, unlike their mass fear mongering, but nonetheless their claims were patently false. This is why the continued tyranny due to this hype is so ridiculous, as the false basis for the initial fear has been exposed, but the political class and its media continue on as if their lies were not noticed. In the meantime, millions of Americans are without a job, without savings, and without any way to support their families, all due to forcible government interference into their lives in the name of “safety.” The economy was shut down, and is still shut down, with no apparent end in sight.


The salacious headlines continue, and read as if Armageddon is already here, but by some legitimate estimates, the actual numbers being reported of death due to this virus could be ten times too high. There should be no doubt at this point that this entire episode of viral panic has either been purposely staged, or used to accomplish nefarious political agendas, or both. All this for a pneumonia-like sickness that is minor compared to the common flu, but a very convenient tool if control of the masses is sought.


Much of this began due to governments’ around the world, especially in the U.S. and UK, listening to one man, a supposed coronavirus “expert,” Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson. He projected 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. and over 500 thousand in the UK if extreme actions were not taken. After the first day of the UK lockdown, he lowered those estimates by a factor of 25 down to 20,000. After this was properly scrutinized, he made a statement in an attempt to cover his own incompetence, but was not successfully in my opinion. But did things change after his fraudulent model was exposed; a model used to close down entire countries? Of course not, because that would never fit the agenda sought by the ruling class.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.8650444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614 >>0716 >>0745

Fed Takes on Role of World’s Central Bank by Pumping Out Dollars


The Federal Reserve is acting as central banker to the world by seeking to provide the global financial system with the dollar liquidity it needs to avoid seizing up.


In its latest measure to combat the economic fallout from the coronarvirus pandemic, the Fed said Tuesday it was establishing a temporary repurchase agreement facility to allow foreign central banks to swap any Treasury securities they hold for cash. That’s yet another step beyond the actions it took in the 2008 financial crisis.


“To the Federal Reserve’s credit, it is playing the role of central banker to the world rather than denying it and trying to ward it off,” said former Fed official Ted Truman, who is now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.


The Fed is trying to prevent a liquidity squeeze amid a worldwide rush into dollars, as the virus wreaks havoc on a global economy that is heavily dependent on the greenback as its linchpin.


“A lot of borrowing and commerce and investing is done in dollars,” Julia Coronado, founding partner of MacroPolicy Perspectives in New York and a former Fed economist, said in an interview on Bloomberg Radio. “When you have a dollar crunch, it can turn a recession or contraction in activity into a financial crisis very quickly because the dollar shortage can trigger defaults and deleveraging.”


Emerging-market borrowers are especially at risk. Encouraged by low U.S. interest rates, they’ve loaded up on a dollar-denominated debt in recent years. They now face a squeeze as their exports plummet due to economic shutdowns worldwide to combat the coronavirus contagion.


A significantly stronger dollar can also hurt the U.S. by tightening financial conditions and making American exports more expensive on world markets.


Strains Remain


Investors rushed for the currency this month, pushing the premium paid to swap funding exposure from euros into the dollar to multiyear highs. While the shortage of dollars has since eased, strains remain in emerging markets.


Unlike the currency swap lines the Fed already has in place with selected central banks – and which it employed in the financial crisis – the new repo facility will be open to most foreign central banks and foreign monetary authorities with an account at the New York Fed.


“Almost every country that holds dollars has an account at the Federal Reserve,” Truman said. “My guess is that $5 trillion is held there.”


The New York Fed says it has over 200 account holders, with the vast majority held by foreign central banks and monetary authorities.


The new facility though does lack something the currency swaps provide. While it allows foreign central banks to liquefy their holdings of Treasuries and obtain dollars, it does not add to their reserves. Rather, it just changes their composition.


Krishna Guha, head of central bank strategy at Evercore ISI, said the the repo program should help smaller emerging markets that need to raise dollars to intervene to prevent freefalls in their currencies.


Selling Pressure


It should also lead to less forced selling of Treasuries by those foreign central banks and thus support the Fed’s efforts to restore some semblance of order to the U.S. government debt market, he said in a note to clients.


The Fed nodded to that reasoning in its statement announcing the new program. The facility “reduces the need for central banks to sell their Treasury securities outright and into illiquid markets,” helping stabilize trading in the world’s most secure and important asset, it said.


There are some doubts though about how widely the program will be used. The Fed is charging 25 basis points over the interest rate on excess reserves – currently 0.1% – to buy back U.S. Treasuries. It is hard to know which monetary authorities would opt for the program rather than first trying to sell at market without the extra cost.


The Fed is having to take on the mantle of world central banker because of the dollar’s dominant role in the world economy and the critical importance of the Treasury debt market to the global financial system.


Dominant Dollar


Even though the U.S. was the epicenter of the 2008-09 crisis, the dollar’s role has strengthened since then, in part because the euro’s position has faded due to the ongoing problems of the currency bloc, Harvard University professor Carmen Reinhart told Bloomberg Radio.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.8650510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0731

The Naval War College Ran a Pandemic War Game in 2019. The Conclusions Were Eerie


An infectious disease breaks out in a densely populated metropolis and is spreading rapidly, causing respiratory failure and death in its victims. As local containment and response mechanisms break down and cases multiply, it becomes clear that a global response – spanning governments, humanitarian organizations, health agencies and the military – will be required.


That scenario is not a condensed narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic that currently has much of the globe on lockdown. Rather, it's the premise of a war game run last September by the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island. And its findings – released in summary format Wednesday – reveal prescient and sometimes troubling parallels to the real-world response effort that continues today.


Called Urban Outbreak 2019, the war game involved 50 experts who spent two days coordinating response, containment and messaging efforts around the notional pandemic. Some of the conclusions, such as the way forced mass quarantine can backfire and trigger additional disease spread, and how the mortality rate is better than the overall number of disease cases in assessing the scale of an outbreak – have been proved out through the response to the novel coronavirus.


Other insights specific to the military's response also hit home.


Even in the planning phase, the military and government may (consciously or unconsciously) exhibit avoidance behaviors to limit the scope of their involvement with affected and/or infected populations in the field," one of 16 conclusions in the 12-page summary document notes.


Another conclusion assesses the tendency of "experienced professionals" to meet unusual or unprecedented conditions in the scenario with resistance.


"This can directly inhibit effective planning and adaptation," it adds.


Benjamin Davies, the game's designer and the associate director of research for NWC's civilian-military humanitarian response program, said that, for the mid-grade and senior officers participating in the game, one challenge came down to a recurring theme for the military: a tendency to fight the last war instead of the current one.


"In this case, there may have been a fairly significant hangover from the ebola response," Davies said, referring to the deadly outbreak of the virus between 2014 and 2016 in West Africa.


Davies, who spoke to on his own behalf and not to present an official position of the college, Navy or Defense Department, added that, during the ebola outbreak, which resulted in more than 13,000 deaths, the U.S. military was not supposed to provide direct aid to infected populations.


"When players got in the game, they were really stuck on that guidance," he said.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8650528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651

Europe sends medical gear to Iran, bypassing US sanctions as coronavirus deaths rise


European nations have delivered medical goods to Iran in the first transaction under the Instex mechanism set up to evade American sanctions on Tehran, the German foreign ministry said Tuesday.


"France, Germany and the United Kingdom confirm that Instex has successfully concluded its first transaction, facilitating the export of medical goods from Europe to Iran. These goods are now in Iran," the ministry said in a statement.


The first successful transaction comes over a year after Britain, France and Germany announced the creation of Instex, months that have been marked by Iranian chafing against European delay.


"Now the first transaction is complete, Instex and its Iranian counterpart STFI will work on more transactions and enhancing the mechanism," Berlin said.


Britain, France and Germany were among a list of countries that Iran reported receiving medical aid from earlier this month as it battles a serious outbreak of the novel coronavirus.


On Monday, the number of cases in the country passed 40,000, and the government warned the epidemic could run for several more months and cost over 10,000 lives.


Tehran's struggle to bring the virus' spread under control has been made more difficult by US sanctions.



The blockade was re-imposed under President Donald Trump after he withdrew from a 2015 deal in which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for easier access to global trade.


But the European sanctions-dodging scheme aims to keep the nuclear deal alive, holding Iran back from developing a bomb.


Supreme leader Ali Khamenei said last week that Iran would not accept help from Washington after Trump offered aid at the end of February.


The American proposals "to help us with medicines and treatments, provided we ask for them, are strange", he said, calling the US Iran's "most ferocious and vicious enemy".

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.8650534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 US senators warn Saudi Arabia over oil price war with Russia


US Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz, said nine senators including himself have recently called the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Princess Rima Al-Saud, and “ripped into her” over the kingdom’s oil price war with Russia which threatens to put thousands of American oil producers out of business.


Senator Cruz said in an interview with CNBC that the senators warned the Saudi ambassador during the conference call that if Saudi Arabia continues “engaging in economic warfare against the United States, trying to drive down the price of oil in order to exploit this coronavirus crisis to drive a bunch of American producers out of business” there would be a “series of steps we can take to escalate foreign policy pressure.”


He explained that the Saudi price warfare would “destroy thousands and thousands of small businesses all across Texas and the country,” noting that the lawmakers have “historically been the strongest allies in the senate of Saudi Arabia.”


However, he warned that if Riyadh does not change its course, “their relationship with the United States is going to change very fundamentally.”

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8650560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Propaganda: Made in the USA


“My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the Chief Propagandist job. We haven’t talked about propaganda. Propaganda, I’m not against propaganda, every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.” – Richard Stengel, Former Obama administration official & Editor-in-Chief of Time Magazine.


The first step in the propaganda process requires that the government be built up to mythical proportions so that their actions are above reproach by the common person. People always look at what the Nazis in Germany did in the lead up to the second world war as the blueprint for propaganda, but they were not the first or the last to use it to control the public.


When the United States captured hundreds of German scientists and intellectuals through Operation Paperclip, they did not just acquire blueprints to advanced rockets and bright minds, they also inherited a philosophy of deception towards their own citizens on a variety of topics. The Nazis had been scaring the hell out of their own people with stories about flying saucers and aliens for years and were surprised and disappointed to learn, once brought into the American culture, that the United States did not have an active disinformation campaign against their own people on these topics. It might be coincidental, but Operation Paperclip ramped up in 1945 & 1946, just one year before the Roswell UFO crash in New Mexico in 1947 kicked off 70+ years of UFO discussion and the launch of the science fiction genre in comic books, science fiction novels, radio, film, and later on television. Could the Nazis that were relocated to America be responsible for the creation of the UFO mythology? It has to be part of the discussion about what is really going on, especially once it is understood that high-level former Nazis literally started NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 1


What is not up for debate any longer is that governments all over the world use lies and propaganda against their own people, and the United States is no exception. In fact, the Obama administration took the unusual step of legalizing propaganda through the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 when they changed the original Smith-Mundt Act to allow the American government to use propaganda against their own people, but they were nice enough to put limitations on how many hours per week were allowed. 2 The most obvious problem with this new paradigm is that they do not label which stories are real and which ones are part of this new allowable amount of disinfo crickets that are legally allowed to be in this batch of information peanut butter.


It is not as if the government was telling the truth to the public before the passage of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, it is just that they made it officially legal as a way to cover their own tracks. The lies have always been there, but the thought of trying to legalize it is a relatively new step.


An example of an overt piece of government propaganda is the “magic passport” story of 9/11 where news presenter Garrick Utley, with an almost straight face, told the viewing audience a story that was such a giant load of bullshit that he almost couldn’t get the words to actually come out of his mouth. The reason why his face was almost straight was that he felt compelled to throw in the line “if you can believe that” while explaining the story as if it was some sort of compromise with his brain and lips where he agreed to throw in the last-minute disclaimer if they would allow this preposterous story to actually come out of his mouth.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8650591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ’s Rosenstein Killed Massive Criminal Indictment Charging Walmart For Trafficking Opioids; Retail Giant’s Pharmacies Operated As Alleged “Pill Mills”


On the heels of Attorney General William Barr’s big show splash indictment against Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro this week for alleged drug trafficking comes disturbing news about the Justice Department’s rigged investigation of Walmart’s massive illegal distribution of opioids right here in the United States.


While the folks in the Justice Department want you to focus on Maduro — who they may never even arrest — they want to distract from the growing Walmart scandal where Rod Rosenstein killed a viable and large criminal investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration into Walmart which the DEA had determined the retail giant’s pharmacies were serving as opioid pill mills in over 30 states, according to details revealed on the Thomas Paine Podcast on Wednesday. One decorated Justice Department veteran resigned after Rosenstein squelched the criminal probe, citing Walmart had effectively killed Americans and his employer was covering it up. And disturbing questions linger about this Justice Department and how Walmart escaped criminal prosecution of what was a slam-dunk landmark case.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.8650611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0756

Corona repeating 9/11 & Y2K hysterias? Both saw huge economic overreactions


Looking back, why was there such a huge, swift economic collapse after 9/11? Doesn’t it seem to have been totally unjustified?


After all, there was no drastic global reordering, no Armageddon, no World War III. The biggest consequence was the legalisation of the 21st century Western security state, which dwarfs anything the KGB could have waged, but from an economic point of view there was absolutely nothing which justified the enormous economic downturn and its accompanying pessimism.


So what were we worried about? The economic threat caused by Islamic radicalism?


There is not (and has never been) any major threat to the global order/economy from Islamic radicals – there is no such widespread movement, period. Iranian Islamic Socialism is indeed a threat to Western capitalism-imperialism, but only an idiot, racist, Islamophobe and/or general nutcase would equate the two; Iranian Islamic Socialism only asks to be allowed to democratically experiment inside Iran in peace.


So what were we worried about? Quite justifiably, was it the economic fallout to be caused by how terribly neo-imperial Rome (the US) would react?


The US did not launch thermonuclear war in revenge. The response was – by the Pentagon’s satanic standards – only earth-shattering in two spots of the globe: The US occupied a totally poor country with very little tapped oil (but a lot of opium-production potential) – Afghanistan – and they occupied an oil-rich former client which had been decimated by two decades of Western-ordered war and inhuman Western sanctions – Iraq. Bad for Muslims? Of course. Bad for “Capitalism with Western characteristics”? Not hardly. (After all, capitalist-imperialist war is always profitable for the aggressors’ elite.) The subsequent phony “War on Terror” was ultimately bad for the US taxpayer, sure, but who in the US 1% cares about them?


So what were we worried about? The economic threat posed by the entrenchment of an existential fear which would cause people to refuse to get out of bed in the morning? Clearly, I am reaching… because I just can’t think of anything else.


The horrible thing that was supposed to happen simply never happened.


Yet the economy did crater, and everyone is now reading stuff like, “(this latest economic statistic) is the worst since 9/11.” But while the economic downturn was sharp it wasn’t prolonged.


High finance is always ahead of everyone else in understanding macro-economic trends and truths: the rich unlocked their gates in the Hamptons and it took only two months for the Dow Jones to regain its pre-9/11 levels. However, it took crude oil prices a year to regain pre-9/11 levels ($40/barrel) because people were slow to realise that the huge economic depression (sparked by the reduced economic activity which many said 9/11 was certain to provoke) did not materialise.

Anonymous ID: 7686c7 April 1, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8650636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FDA: All Versions of Heartburn Drug Zantac Should Be Removed From Market Immediately


Zantac, a heartburn drug, should be immediately removed from the market, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Wednesday.


Manufactures should withdraw all versions of the drug because the agency has determined an impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), in some of them increases over time, potentially resulting in unacceptable levels of the impurity.


“We didn’t observe unacceptable levels of NDMA in many of the samples that we tested. However, since we don’t know how or for how long the product might have been stored, we decided that it should not be available to consumers and patients unless its quality can be assured,” said Dr. Janet Woods, director of the agency’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, in a statement.


“The FDA will continue our efforts to ensure impurities in other drugs do not exceed acceptable limits so that patients can continue taking medicines without concern.”