If everyone implicated had their crimes publicly exposed, then society falls apart. The best we're going to get publicly is arrests related to the election coup. The other shit has to be done in behind the scenes like McCain and Bush.
Just because you can handle what you think is the entire truth, doesn't mean you understand how the average person would react to it. If the general public finds out that everything they believed was a lie and their hero's are in reality psychopaths and satanists, how are they going to react?
If they find out innocent people have been killed and framed and that some of the worst criminals have had free reign to do whatever they desired? That their ancestors died in planned and controlled wars and false flags? That their friends and family have been poisoned by the people they trusted. That instead of watching a loved one die in agony, many of the diseases could have easily been cured. I think you can understand how would society as a whole react to that? You'd have a wild west and complete chaos. It must be controlled.