Anonymous ID: aae2cb April 1, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.8650963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8650850 Partial transcription of two callers:

Female Caller: Yeah, so um, it’s a friend of my mom’s she’s a nurse. She’s 69 years old. She volunteered through good Samaritan and they sent her from North Carolina up to New York City.


So apparently, um, she is working in a MASH type unit in Central Park and I don’t all the details she told my mom I don’t know if it’s more than whatever he told you, but the thing with the kids is real and I have to tell you it’s horrible, so horrible. And she said to please everyone to be praying for the children.


Male Caller: (admits it’s second hand information) They say they are just rescuing kids…….some of them are deformed…..She’s 100% sure. The rescue operation has begun and that’s probably what the ships are for.