Anonymous ID: bd27de April 1, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.8650958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0967 >>0971 >>1103

Q, just wanted to point out that anons really think that there’s some huge rescue mission of trafficked children going on right now, right under our noses. While it’s commendable to believe in the powers of good and for something as commendable as saving innocents, it’s a dangerous precedent to have unsubstantiated rumors perpetuate in this manner. The false hope leads to conditioning about trusting some plan that may or may not ever ring true. Forgive me for elucidating the truth but people jumping on such ridiculous theories in this time of crisis is the result of being gaslighted by cryptic posts targeted at ‘autists’ whose very modus operandi is to hope that a broken apophenic clock is right twice a day.