Come to terms with your mortality.
Your body will die, but your conciousness will live on forever.
God wins when he welcomes a soul into heaven that has lived a beautiful life, learned to love his fellow man and cared for all creation.
Come to terms with your mortality.
Your body will die, but your conciousness will live on forever.
God wins when he welcomes a soul into heaven that has lived a beautiful life, learned to love his fellow man and cared for all creation.
Had a near death experience and left this body behind. My mind was able to transcend the earthly plane and move into the spiritual realm.
There are wonderful things, waiting there for us.
God's light is beautiful beyond words.
Pure love.
We are all immortal.
Cool thing is, you have free will in the afterlife too. Everything is available to you, instantly. Don't like harps? You can rock out with your favorite dead musicians instead.
And that's what sets us apart from people who choose a life of wickedness.
In my experience, there didn't seem to be a 'hell'… just the option to refuse to acknowledge Gods' majesty and stay in the darkness.
Those souls were so ashamed of what they'd done on earth that they couldn't face God…even if he still loves them and had forgiven them.
Love one another.
That's the key.