I am only going to type this once, after the last two breads, a revelation has come to me, I am in tears right now and can barely see what I am typing. The Navy Hospital Ships, The DUMBS being raided and destroyed, the weird talk from POTUS and Cuomo and Pence and many who are in the know about how things will change when this is over, we may no longer shake hands…weird to me for couple of days…but then it hit me so fucking hard I almost threw up…the 2.2 million are the child victims, some who may now be adults if still alive…they are coming home…they are coming here to the United States. The change in job status the giving of trillions of dollars…is to prepare for a mass recovery of these poor victims…It may sound crazy but who is to take care of them…I believe it will be us, the good citizens of the United State..the ones who love their children, the ones who believe in God, who believe in treating others with respect and dignity and with love….what else or what other way could this be done? We will find out who they are and we as a country will be entrusted with their care and their futures because we are good and kind and are divine beings…..
It seems to make sense…though horrific at the same time….