can't wait to see aj interview steinbart
AJ is going to say Steinbart is Q
AJ s part of the plan, as is steinbart, as are anons, all are playing roles in the movie with the same goals in common
AJ denying credibility of q will make many question why, those that figure AJ is crazy mossad agent or whatever, either way the more eyes and minds that are on qanon, may tend to think maybe q is credible because aj says q is a larp, reverse psychology to provoke curiosity and more eyes on
Steinbart will give qanon more eyes on, making many curious enough to investigate for themselves
by now there are probably thousands of qanon channels, websites, twitter accounts, and on all the other social, msm puts millions of eyes on multiple qanon media platforms
above all else, q came to the chans for a definite reason, the ww social media spreading of information through our research and the unleashing of weapons of truth, the chan's MEMES convey the message of q, he came for the MEMES
the message of q is the message of trump
the message of q is the message of aj,
the message of q is the message of steinbart
the message of q is the message of exponentially growing numbers of others you may like or dislike, agree or disagree, doesn't matter at this point does it?
the avalanche has begun and there's no stopping it
sorry, I replied to wrong post number