I am not that Anon but added this stringer to a graphic of the ones from the other day. Regular stringer Anon didn't think they were legit. Not sure what he would say about this one. No harm in compiling it though. Seems like a lot of work for a slider.
Nice graphic Anon.
Not sure of your time zone but 9:44 sums to 17.
And 28 vs 82 in the Q post numbers are mirrored.
I don't usually KEK on the simple summation of digits method but this one resonates.
GodFather III is "For the children" signature.
Seems to fit with current speculation on ops.
NO reason it could be used again. Multiple meanings. Lots of things lining up with 4/10/20 (marker :15) habbenings theory.
That famefag slapping together a clock doesn't make it a shill slide. That is the sloppiest wind ever. Today is :07. One of the best QClock markers ever.
I suppose Anon but it isn't an effective slide if it encourages people to dig further on the subject of communication methods. Eventually it will be disproven if it isn't legit and it will expose more Anons to the message in the process.