Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8684810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5005 >>5097 >>5099 >>5178 >>5304 >>5305 >>5433

Let's learn about military capabilities to broadcast radio and television signals.


US Air Force EC-130J Commando Solo

Jan 14, 2016


The EC-130J Commando Solo, a specially-modified four-engine Hercules transport, conducts Military Information Support Operations (MISO) and civil affairs broadcasts in FM radio, television and military communications bands. These missions are typically flown at night to reduce probability of detection in politically sensitive or hostile territories.


The 193rd Special Operations Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard, operates this aircraft.



Many modifications have been made to the aircraft. These include enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment, air refueling and the capability of broadcasting analog radio (FM) and analog color TV on all worldwide standards.



The airborne radio and television broadcast mission originated in the mid-1960s with the EC-121 (known as Coronet Solo). The mission later transitioned to the EC-130E (1980) and eventually to the EC-130J (2004). Soon after the 193rd SOW received EC-130s, the Air National Guard unit participated in the rescue of American citizens in Operation Urgent Fury in 1983. Then known as Volant Solo, the aircraft acted as an airborne radio station, keeping the citizens of Grenada informed about U.S. military action. Several years later in 1989, Volant Solo was instrumental in the success of coordinated psychological operations in Operation Just Cause. During this mission, it broadcasted throughout the initial phases of the operation, helping to end the Noriega regime.


In 1990, the 193rd joined the newly formed Air Force Special Operations Command, and the wing's aircraft were redesignated Commando Solo, with no change in mission. In 1990-91, Commando Solo was deployed to Saudi Arabia and Turkey in support of operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Its missions included broadcasting the "Voice of the Gulf" and other highly successful programs intended to convince Iraqi soldiers to surrender.


In 1994, Commando Solo was used to broadcast radio and TV messages to the citizens and leaders of Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was featured in these broadcasts, which contributed to the orderly transition from military rule to democracy.


Continuing its tradition, in 1997 the Commando Solo supported the U.N. Operation Joint Guard with radio and TV broadcasts over Bosnia-Herzegovina in support of stabilization forces operations. In 1998, the unit and its aircraft participated in Operation Desert Thunder, a deployment to Southwest Asia to convince Iraq to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions. The Commando Solo was again sent into action in 1999 in support of Operation Allied Force. The aircraft was tasked to broadcast radio and television into Kosovo to prevent ethnic cleansing and assist in the expulsion of the Serbs from the region. In 2001, these aircraft broadcasted messages to the local Afghan population and Taliban soldiers during Operation Enduring Freedom.


In 2003, the Commando Solo was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The unit has also deployed in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015 to the Middle East in support of overseas contingency operations.


General characteristics

Primary function: military information support operation

Secondary function: special operations forces – air mobility

Contractor: Lockheed Aircraft Co.

Power plant: AE2100D3 six-blade turboprops

Thrust: 4,637 shaft horsepower, each engine

Wingspan: 133 feet (40.3 meters)

Length: 98 feet (29.7 meters)

Height: 39 feet (11.8 meters)

Cruise speed: 335 mph

Ceiling: 28,000 feet (8,534 meters)

Maximum takeoff weight: 164,000 pounds (74,390 kilograms)

Range: 2,300 nautical miles

Crew: pilot, copilot, combat systems officer, mission crew supervisor, three electronic communications systems operators and two loadmasters

Initial operating capability: 2004

Unit cost: $110 million

Inventory: active force, 0; Reserve, 0; ANG, 3

(Current as of January 2016)


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Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.8684863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5005 >>5097 >>5099 >>5178 >>5304 >>5305 >>5433

Moar on US military psyops capabilities.

Could these systems be used in America during a state of emergency? Anon figures the answer is yes, and maybe soon.


How The Military Conducts PSYOPS

Joseph Trevithick, Jan 24, 2017


When people think about U.S. Army equipment, what probably comes to mind are tanks, gunship helicopters, self-propelled artillery, and other larger advanced weapons — all great for blowing things up. However, American troops often rely on a very different gear to both confuse and demoralize enemy troops and “win the hearts and minds” of civilians on and around the battlefield.


Thanks to an unclassified 2005 training aid, Task & Purpose is able to highlight the unique equipment military personnel bring on these psychological operations, or PSYOPS. As of 2017, Army Special Operations Command oversees all active PSYOPS troops, though some units are attached to the Army Reserve.


According to the unclassified PSYOPS training manual Task & Purpose obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, these troops employ everything from printed messages to radio programs to television shows to “create a behavior that supports the United States” and promote American military objectives, as the manual puts it. Elite troops have their own Special Operations Media Systems-B that combines both radio and television studio functions in a suite of relatively mobile equipment.


Four Humvees and two trailers can hold all the various pieces of the Mobile Radio Broadcast System and the Mobile Television Broadcast System. Special operators can deploy the two components wherever commanders might need them with the help of U.S. Air Force C-130 and C-17 aircraft, according to the guide.


The radio station portion produces, records, and transmits the alerts all by itself, according to the Army guide. While the mobile television production center does the same for audio-visual messages, it also has extra cameras, lights and other gear so specialized soldiers have the option of creating their own news reports from the field.


When American special operators arrived in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, they brought the SOMS-B with them. By 2002, the U.S. military was broadcast radio programming in local languages, such as Pashtu and Dari, 24 hours a day as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.


To make sure messages went out around the clock, the PSYOPS soldiers on the ground got help from the Air Force’s EC-130J Commando Solo planes — noted in the Army’s training manual under “sister service capabilities.” These heavily modified C-130 cargo planes beam down radio and television signals from a unique, in-flight studio.


The Afghans loved the American-supplied news and other alerts, mostly because “they broadcast music and for almost everyone,” according to Weapon of Choice: U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan, a book published by the Army. For six years, the Taliban had banned radio stations from playing popular tunes and local folk songs.


The Army handbook points out SOMS-B has the ability to record content on CDs or tapes so troops can distribute it to friendly broadcasters. In 2016, American crews were dropping leaflets encouraging locals in northern Syria to tune in to FM 99.1. This is the frequency for Radio Rozana, a pirate radio station independent journalists run as an alternative to official Syrian government outlets.


In addition to the smaller down-range setups, the Army has larger production facilities situated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, as well as the large but deployable Theater Media Production Center, or TMPC. Compared to the SOMS-B, this four-part system cranks out longer and more complex audio and video materials in both digital and physical formats, including CDs or even older cassette tapes.


The mobile unit also has scanners and high-resolution printers to make copies of photographs and printed messages. Another limitation of the smaller SOMS-B is that troops cannot produce substantial numbers of printed PSYOPS messages.


As of 2005, the 3rd Psychological Operations Battalion owned the Army’s sole TMPC system. But PSYOPS soldiers need permission from president or the secretary of defense to roll it out, according to the Army manual, and we could find no open reports of its deployment.


Of course, the Pentagon continues to rely on older, more traditional PSYOPS tools, too. By the end of 2016, American aircraft had dropped thousands of leaflets over Iraq and Syria warning innocent civilians of impending air strikes and calling on them to resist Islamic State terrorists.


Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8684917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reminder, reposting for new eyes.


The movie (narrative) that is unfolding right now is a big red pill. However, some people may be in dire need of protection and comfort: some will experience massive, psychologically disturbing, cognitive dissonance as the old fake MSM/liberal/left narrative dissolves and starts to be replaced by the new truthful one. When minds and hearts are ripe for change, then people will start to put things together for themselves. Q's anon army is here to assist in the birthing of a new nation – new world, with the information learned over the past few years.


Cognitive Dissonance

People can become verbally combative when their belief system is threatened. Cognitive dissonance is a very real phenomenon. When new info is introduced that contradicts what a person has long believed – upon which their entire belief system and consequently their behavior is based – they will try to refute that contradictory info. This can reach a crescendo until the person suddenly realizes they have to reconsider what they have long believed, and stand down. Or perhaps they simply cannot tolerate the dissonance, and take steps to distance themself from the uncomfortable information, like walking away from the conversation or rejecting the person who provided the info. It doesn't require a Matrix argument to understand why & how this happens. Just basic psychology. People's entrenched beliefs, whether real or false, are intrinsic to their concept of themself, therefore their ego, their personhood. When this feeling of "who I am" is threatened, sometimes a fight-or-flight reaction occurs, complete with a rush of adrenaline hormones from their brain's limbic system.

We have all experienced this to some degree. Autists have more flexibility to adapt and consider alternative concepts and reprogram their belief system, but we too have felt threatened by uncomfortable info that we have to evaluate and decide whether to believe or disbelieve.

That's why Q told us to protect and comfort those around us. They will be experiencing a lot of psychological discomfort as disturbing info comes out. We've been there, we understand, and our role is cut out for us.

We were chosen for a reason.

Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.8685005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099 >>5433



The third part of this story is more difficult to gather sauce on. Anon has read someplace (can't find it anymore!) of military capability to tap into, intercept, and modify, digital data streams on the fly – whether wireless transmissions, satellite, or fiberoptic terrestrial lines.

If they can do this (anon STRONGLY believes it is possible), then all of the ANALOG broadcast facilities described in >>8684863, >>8684810 could also be used to inject digital signals into the data stream.

What is the digital architecture for broadcast television stations? Local stations receive receive high bandwidth digital data from a headquarters central location that produces the national programming, and retransmit it on local cable and over-the-air broadcast frequencies. In addition, local stations insert their own locally-produced programs into specific time slots, and these are also transmitted over wirelines or wirelessly from the production studio to the transmitter site.

To replace standard broadcast stations with modified transmissions would only require overriding and injecting something different into those digital distribution channels.

I strongly believe that this capability exists, and we may even see it exercised very soon in America.


The purpose of this set of posts is simply to demonstrate that it's FEASIBLE, not to speculate whether or not it will be used.

Anons who have re_read Q's crumbs already know that we are in a movie and that some type of video incriminating the Deep State is expected to be released to the public. I'm not here to argue that point, only to illustrate what is possible and what might be expected from a technical standpoint.


(This is not a great diagram, I only posted it to get your attention, kek.)

Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.8685057   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Explained it in LB.

Fed gov is reimbursing hospitals for any treatment of COVID-19 for uninsured patients. So hospitals are classifying deaths of uninsured patients as COVID-19 in order to receive federal money.

Those who would have been classified as pneumonia are being changed to COVID-19.

Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8685138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's a Learjet35 - quite a small plane. Wondering if it's one of those military flights to evacuate American civilians stuck in a foreign country that Sec. Pompeo talked about a few days ago? Want to see what direction they go…

Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.8685355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't want to post anybody's advertisements here. Anons can search & find. Multiple substitute products easily found.

Anonymous ID: 3cb12b April 4, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8685528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>200 names/indictment

Names per indictment is a wild guess. The number of names can range from 1 to many. Multiplying a known number times an unknown is illogical.