Anonymous ID: 01023d April 4, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8686342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6492 >>6711 >>6888 >>7002 >>7030



One Goal of COVID19 is to bring about the Emergence of a Global centralized Cashless Society


Communist China had already been pushing toward a fully cashless economic system, but it wasn't complete until the emergence of COVID19. Seeing this today at the local circle K, confirms my suspicion that this whole event is being used to push for a one world tyrannical system over the mind of Man.



"The society that emerges is going to play by different rules. And it starts with Beijing locking down even more of the second-biggest economy in history.


Cash was already going away in China. Now it turns out that the virus shows up on old paper money and can live there for days.


Every time every one of those infected yuan notes moves from hand to hand, it’s another infection vector. If you handle the wrong money, you’re literally carrying the plague.


Naturally that makes people much less eager to accept cash. Luckily there are payment apps to keep everything clean and digital."


How convenient?


An easily solution to the germ problem is too simply use nano silver soaked or silver stranded cotton and/or silver infused inks when printing new currency.

Anonymous ID: 01023d April 4, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.8686644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Think: he didn't even write DOS




the guy is a fucking idiot who thinks he is smart and creative, which could not be further from the truth. He can't even be creative about the way he goes about trying the rule the world.