Anonymous ID: b5935c April 4, 2020, 2:07 p.m. No.8686548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6665 >>6897 >>6986


A truly amazing example of revisionism.

It takes a payroll to make fancy graphics like this, dig up all the posts, create a false narrative. Which IP hashes posted the porn? Probably the same baker now claiming it was punishment. A previous BV got canned for "fighting shills" with gay porn, gore porn. Are you next?


You guys are still at it hours later, and YOU LOST, specifically you lost a kind of credibility you are blind to because anons see how you are GASLIGHTING EVERYONE about how you are "protecting the bread" with all this namefagging.


Such a tremendous amount of howling coming from you about being outed.