Anonymous ID: db9ab1 April 4, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8686372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6411

With the possible 3 day phone/net/media shutdown (soon) in mind… While reading through previous notables about the interdasting decode of Q post # 1543, and specifically the line stating "full moon coming," that suggests this Tuesday the 7th, which could either mean the start of the 3 days (of DS /cabal arrests), or the last. If last, the shutdown would have to begin tomorrow, the 5th (5, 6, 7 = three days). If starting on the 7th, then 7, 8, 9, with Good Friday the 10th being the end of the shutdown, and presumably the beginning of the broadcast explanations as to why all this had to happen, and what lay ahead for all of us (glorious).


Having the shutdown and arrests begin tomorrow, and ending on the 7th would leave plenty of time before Easter Sunday for the ugly truth video broadcasts to be seen and absorbed, with Easter being the perfect day to spell out our bright future!


Also, note the forecast predicting rain and SHOWERS over the next several days for S. Cal! Timing is everything! Surely a happy coincidence.

Anonymous ID: db9ab1 April 4, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.8686411   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While I was digging around the 3 day shutdown timing, I was simultaneously listening to Los Angeles scanner chatter from FD first responders, CHP, Park Rangers and airport ATC. While there is nothing unusual or notable (directly connected to QR) to report at this time, there was one strange incident reported by the Park Rangers. They were sent out to investigate either one or two vehicles that were abandoned in a remote location of a local mountain region. From their conversations, they were surprised the vehicles would end up at a location not known for off road activity.


Hearing that, my first thought was it sounds like a panic flee. In the S.Cal region, which has the highest number of sealed indictments, who might attempt to flee? If and when a shutdown does begin, it will be a huge sign to both the patriots, as well as the DS/cabal, that the jig is up. D Day. The beginning of the end. No doubt there will be suicide attempts by many of the "willing" cabal members. Cyanide pills, razors, bullets, nooses, leaps from tall buildings… any and all will likely be very popular. As well, a significant number will probably attempt to flee, trying to reach their believed safe house/hideaway.


The wealthiest attempting to flee would no doubt have access to air travel, whether helicopter or plane. No doubt the White Hats have already considered that likelihood. So, leading up to the shutdown, would you not expect an official government directive be sent to all airports stating all air traffic will be grounded for an indefinite period beginning at a specific time? That would certainly tell all of us that it is about to officially HAPPEN!


With no air traffic permitted, panicky cabalists (as well as their useful idiots throughout Los Angeles) will then take to the road. Expect road closures, high speed chases, and vehicles seen and reported (via radio, assuming they can still broadcast) to be speeding across remote mountain and dessert regions here in S. Cal.