Anonymous ID: de92cb April 4, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8686381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6401 >>6548 >>6702 >>6732 >>6744 >>6760 >>6777 >>6935 >>6972 >>7043


Good afternoon, baker. gy here. Nice bread digits!

The post below is addressed to you but it's for all anons.


After you ghosted last night after baking #11117, shill baker picked up the ghost & decided to notable a hit piece about the pb "CLOWN BAKER."

Was still there so said "not notable." Two others did as well. Zero response from baker.


There were other bad notables he wouldn't discuss or take out either. So eventually, a named baker posted alternative notables and Fresh Bread link to a new "non-toxic" bread. So there was a dup bake (now gone).


CAPS tell the story.


LAST CAP shows shills are trying to revive the BAKERS UNION crap from last Spring, saying bakers are handing off only to frens, etc. Bakers and most anons know this is a LIE.


But lies like this must still be challenged every time or they grow. And truly bad notables must still be challenged, too:

AD HOMINEM attacks, unsauced crap stories, unsavory sauce, weird analyses, and anything else that has a really bad smell.


Thanks to all the anons who worked together for hours last night to reject the crap that shills were dishing out.


Anonymous ID: de92cb April 4, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.8686665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6897


>It takes a payroll to make fancy graphics like this

WOW! What a compliment.

Sorry, but all this takes is Snagit ($49) and a graphics anon. That's all.


Shills aren't happy when anons defeat them. The based baker with the non-toxic bread was the one that prevailed. YOU LOST.