POTUS' tweet about attending Pastor Greg Laurie's online church in Riverside California today (Palm Sunday) is a coded message.
"Palm Sunday is the beginning of a Holy week for many people of Faith and a great day to lift our voices in Prayer. I will be tuning into Pastor @greglaurie at @harvestorg Church in Riverside, California tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. Eastern."
The capitial letters: PSHFPIPCRCAME = gematria 133. Also 133?
"Wuhan Corona"
Past Greg Laurie grew up in Corona Del Mar, CA. "Del Mar" means "From the Sea". In his tweet POTUS capitalizes Holy. Holly From the Sea = Holy See.
POTUS confirms that the Holy See (Vatican and Rothschilds) are behind the Coronavirus.
Also gematria of 133? God Bless America, Sheep No More.