When are older people here going to realize that all of their musical "heroes" are just fucking morons at best (complicit pedophiles at worst) who were picked by the CIA to be pied pipers to brainwash entire generations? How many of the "music legends" that people post here constantly show open disdain for POTUS? These aren't ignorant people, they've been in "show" business for 40-50 years. They know exactly what's going on, and they aren't your friends. In fact, they've had a large role in keeping the whole thing going as long as it has.
"Separate the art from the artist" has always been a thing, as most "artists" are hard to deal with at times. But how long are people going to tolerate child rapists and human traffickers for no other reason than "well they made real rockin' music man :D" What happens when these people's crimes will be out on display, will you still support them?
>To be clear, I'm not talking about EVERY band ever, but use logic. Look at the imagery, revisit the reputations, listen to their words in the modern age and decide for yourself. Many of these people are complicit and don't want the "show" to end for obvious reasons.