Anonymous ID: 20af20 April 5, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.8694175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4216 >>4251

The 2020 HOLOGRAMdemic. PART 1

April 3, 2020


1) RAMdemic – Electromagnetic Fields or Frequencies (EMF)

Resonant frequencies and harmonious wavelengths exists on the invisible plain. On the technical end of things, Global 5G and other mmWaves (from 10-300 Hz) along with Microwave Radiations affect the very air around us. They have deleterious effects on the nervous system. Studies prove that: A) EMF can create unstable oxygen, which can compromise anyone with impaired immunity or lung issues. B) EMF agitates all humans on an electromagnetic cellular level. C) EMF can activate latent VIRUS-producing human cells.Radio Frequencies has been implemented for well over 100 yrs.

Wuhan, China (the first supposed location of Covid-19) towards the end of 2019.


2) SCAMdemic – the Virus

Human viruses are not “alive.” Viruses are the ‘human organic response’ to toxicity. Viruses are a powerfully naturally produced ‘solvent’ healing agent….Most people who have EVER been exposed to toxins of previous ‘flu’ vaccines (this means most of the Modern World) already have a ‘virus’ response going on in their bodies. We would all test positive for something – and many of us with a strain of a “Corona Virus.”


3) NANOdemic – BioWeapon Warfare

NANOscale technology has been weaponized to infiltrate human organisms at a bacterial size. Transistors so small they can enter the cell AND they can be remotely controlled. NANOtech potentially plants the seeds of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) manipulated future administered to the human body through aerosols and injections. Is is interesting to note is that a major BSL-4 research labs, specially designated World Health Organization (WHO), is based in… Wuhan, China.


4) EPIdemic –Adrenochrome Effect

“The occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period of time.” ~CDC Learn what Adrenochrome is. Published studies as far back as the 1900s. Adrenochrome has been linked to worldwide child trafficking and torture. Recently, Adrenochrome potentially laced with ‘viral stimulants’ may have come out of chemical labs based in Italy, Canada and again… Wuhan, China. There is rumor that supplies were either tainted or are dwindling, because of crack-downs on trafficking/pedophile networks. In the meantime, key ‘famous’ individuals who have used or rely on this substance, may be getting sick, thus contributing to the widespread fear. Because Adrenochrome may be administered through injection or inhalent, it is more likely to actually affect the body on a cellular level and create a virus response. People in entertainment, sports, politics, etc. who have been seen with black eyes and/or sporting ankle bracelets in the past few years are sick have with ‘the virus.’

Anonymous ID: 20af20 April 5, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.8694216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4279

>>8694175 PART 2


The 2020 HOLOGRAMdemic. PART 2

April 3, 2020


5) SPAMdemic – the Storyline Founders (and Funders)

Scare after scare. The National Institute on Health (NIH), World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) are all releasing disinfo or half truths. All 3 injuring humans. Sadly, many well-meaning doctors, journalists, and regular folks rely on these behemoths for their sole source of intelligence. Mass mind control: Operation Northwoods, Tuskeegee Experiment, Gulf of Tonkin False Flag, Project MK Ultra, The 1963 Milgram Experiment


6) SHAMdemic – MainStream Medicine

“…Medical schools average fewer than twenty hours over four years devoted to nutrition education…

with little apparent connection to human diets or common diseases.” ~ American Journal of Medicine

Pharmaceutical companies are the new American Mafia. They have unlimited political and legislative influence, as well as financial influence over MainStream Media (MSM). The relationships between their major stockholders are all intertwined, incestuous, AND parallel the owners of MSM. Who supports MainStream Medicine? We do. It is estimated that well over 70% of Americans are on some pharmaceutical drug.


7) SPINdemic – the Storytellers

Most MainStream Media (MSM) is owned by FIVE major companies ( General Electric, Warner Brothers, Viacom, Disney, News Corporation) which in turn are controlled by the EXACT SAME sets of stakeholders.


8) PLANdemic – the Vaccination

The concept behind vaccines is to inject healthy individuals with ‘dead’ parts of a pathogen to help them build immunity to that pathogen…Others have NANOscale ‘digital’ tech inserted into them. Any of these patented vaccinations or ‘flu shots’ may contain substances that could potentially cause worse “viral” ‘human organic responses’ than the original condition they are trying to “cure.”


We have systematically seen the entire world’s economy come to a slow-down and in some cases a complete economic halt in order to implement some kind of global reset.


One potential outcome is a world feudal system governed by a small group of individuals. You may call the ‘rulers’ whatever you like, oligarchs, plutocrats, Nephilim bloodline families, illuminati, council of 13, elites, the 1%, etc. No matter… the concept is they shall control: the story, the spin, the execution, and the final outcome. The ‘rulers’ have sufficient capital and media-medical influence to make this happen if we are not awake. Vaccination is presented in a way that it “seems” that this is a good step for humanity without regard for humans to decide if this is what we ALL want..

The plans are outlined at these websites:








This is highly condensed article from Anon

See attached PDF for full article.