Anonymous ID: 3bc6d9 April 5, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.8694867   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Sam Harris and Eric Weinstein discuss Jeffrey Epstein


@7:10 SH: "Some of these young women that you would meet in his company weren't bimbos or strippers. Some were going to medical school. These were smart young women who were, were benefiting from [Epstein]."


Interesting knowledge and insight from an old money "construct" himself who says that he only met Epstein once briefly at a TED Conference.


Clearly, Sam Harris was talking about Dr. Melanie S. Walker, who met Epstein in 1992 and lived in one of his NY apartments while she attended Medical School. Upon Graduation she was hired by Bill Gates and was a liaison between Gates and Epstein for years.


Watch the Wives

Q said "watch the wives." I wonder how many of these Epstein proteges became wives of important players in the deep state?


Prince Andrew enjoyed a close friendship with, Dr. Walker, a neurosurgeon who worked as a science adviser to Jeffrey Epstein.

The Duke of York, 60, went for dinners with Dr Melanie Walker, 48, who he jokingly referred to as a ‘dork’ and ‘smarty pants’.

The prince allegedly got so close to Dr Walker, an American, that she attended the Queen’s ‘Dance of the Decades’ party at Windsor Castle in 2000, according to The Sun.


She is now shacked up with Sinoffsky, former big man at Microsoft and she holds numerous hats at the World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates, and other Global Gov NGOs.