>Why do I get the feeling that no one knows what the fuck is going on out there in the real world.
>So many questions and no one is coming up with any answers.
>i have been feeling that…
>normally with all that's going on i can logically connect most dots if not all to "the plan"
>latley I have to just file the data points away as I have no fucking clue.
I'm taking a look at all these salt mines and thinking about how the hell you even go about making one, & while projecting my consciousness down into the earth 4miles - pressure & heat... visualizing how you get enough torgue to actual munch rock & not burn the transmission out in the first 10min... Or use a lasert to melt it & have it smooth as glass ready to pave & build... then it hits me...
China or someone or SOMETHING probably has literally dug a hole from their county all the way UNDER America & elsewhere & all hell is breaking loose down there...
` 30yrs is more than enough time to do it..Gotthard Tunner is like 95 miles or something ~2miles deep? Multiple machines currently..?
` it would be totally jacked up beening fooled into having hard-ons for space this ENTIRE TIME.... while:
the UFOs
Aliens & Angels & Ahriman
Demons & DeepState
GAIA & Ghosts
the Cabal & China
Leprechauns & lucifer
..& probably Christ..
A L L having a party under our feet the entire time while they have us looking at stars...!
` Its almost laughable.... 23 Trillion 'gone a missing' & Cabal is telling everyone to look up for spaceships & comets... ha!
First published in May 2018, this is part of our series on the unaccounted for $21 Trillion in taxpayer money. As unbelievable and absurd as that sounds, the actual total of unaccounted for money at the Pentagon is most likely significantly more than $21 trillion.
The First ever “full-scope audit” of the Pentagon is presently underway. Read the first report from this series here.
` We have ancient cultures not only digging a hole to china, but they have the time to dick around & do carvings...ha!
` That would be cray-z on another level...
` Like 'space force' is just a head fake while they're getting ready to cleanse the surface of humanity, resurface & carry on...
` I bet that Epstein tunnel connects to Switzerland & the entire planet for that matter....
` Nazis probably bounced to Antartica - "dug a hole to China"... and back & have been slaughtering us for their Satanic Worship, experiments, and raping us for fun & sacrament - and probably with some deity down there about to go Mordor on us... wow..
` like 5G is the Antibacterial for Humanity, just go ahead & irradiate the Planet for longer shelf life and sterility
` like the underground bunkers are key.. they don't need to DODGE ANYTHING, they just need to get off the SURFACE
` like it is a PLANETARY CULLING
` like the most Exquisite, Efficient & Expedient sacrifice..
` like instead of Las Vegas Shooting, its Earth Oven Cleaning
` like got muh (sex) robots and hydoponics
` like Van Allen Belts?
` like Prison Planet?
` like Breakaway Civilization?
` like NASA might blast up satellites, but its specialty is mining?
` like..... nfw!!!
` ALICE is falling down & down & down & down a rabbit hole?
` Dark to Light
` Tunnels
` like MagLEV train going how fast again
` like stories of ppl taking one to Shambhala: https://www.livinginthelightms.com/in_search_of_shambhala2.html
Chapter Four - Tunnels and Entrances to Shambhala
Agharta (Argarti) is said to be the mysterious under ground kingdom located in Asia and linked to the other continents of the world by a gigantic network of underground tunnels.
Although some have been destroyed due to world cataclysms, many are still left today and are in use. The following are thought to be
some of these entrances and tunnels.
Rudolph Steiner spoke about Ahriman & his cold & calculated force descending upon us at this time.. CERN is probably the CellPhone jacked into LawnMower man, & were jumping right into his ColdEmbrace via this keyboard I'm on & all the cellfags ==bowing down to the Devil - literally bowing their head down to the viewport that leads right to the 8th sphere.
Ttechnology is THE trap?... we're paying to get pugged in.. but to what? Its the LifeLog of Facebook - but we are headed straight for hardware/wetware... once the NeuralLace is ready, one could be 'jacked in' at birth.. matrix is 100% feasible.. probably online...
PLUGGING in.... or plugging IN(WARD)?
I'm going to shit myself if the earth ends up being flat..!
Or I'm not.