I could do a 3 hour podcast on all the coincidences.
But is that really necessary? Not in my opinion. It would be bragging and a little narcissistic. I don't want to be that… I brag online often, but I know it makes the bad guys squirm. So that's why I do it.
I see symbolism in all the movies, helped me connect many dots.
I watched batman alot growing up. He was my favorite. I never once thought I was batman… Some of the things Marvel put in their movies or maybe the comic books, dont seem to come from creativity. But maybe looking into the future, which proves the past, as it is now in the present.
Maybe the Akashic Records are real?… or maybe they were creative, I dont know. I just know that at this point, YOU COULDN'T CONVINCE ME THAT IT ISN'T TRUE. I CAN'T EVEN CONVINCE MYSELF ANYMORE.
I'm not saying that all of it relates, but I just see little bits and pieces here and there where I'm like, THE FUCK?… lol