Anonymous ID: 6e5229 April 6, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.8704489   🗄️.is 🔗kun




seriously, that's a weird set of 'reasons'. We all know shills. we all know all the theories. but the bad theories eventually drop off while the good ones rise to consensus. But every theory needs looked at.

He's not 'having fun anymore'. well If he can't hang when it gets rough, and 'he' needs time off, fine. All of us take breaks, we just don't virtue-signal by announcing it and making a drama out of it.

And you're not quite anon if you don't realize many of those detestable theories are psyop shills to make us look bad, and keep going in spite of them.. R Larp anyone?


My first break was the longest, two months during 2018. I crashed and burned. and now I know to take shorter ones more frequently. we all do, and nobody on here announcing it like a little faggot. Take your R&R as needed…shut up about it because its not about YOU, its about saving the world, and then get back out there after you've re-energized.

Anonymous ID: 6e5229 April 6, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8704768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


just takes willpower, anon. You can't help others, you can only do it yourself. try leaving it off for longer and longer periods of time while you're at home. then one day, drive around the block without it. then go for gas without it. finally, lock it up with your gun.