Anonymous ID: 6f96fd April 6, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.8704454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4477 >>4488 >>4545 >>4558 >>4579 >>4593


Who cares?

Zero Deep State arrests.

None of this shit even matters.

America is lost forever because POTUS didn’t drop the hammer and declare war/defeat crooked politicians.

This will be his legacy:

Promised to drain the swamp, could have, didn't.

Face it, we will never get full exposure/acknowledgement/justice for crimes against this country committed by people representing this country.

POTUS rolled the dice and hoped normies would care.

They don’t.

If the past 3 years has taught us anything, it’s that by and large Americans just want their tv and food and distractions.

It’s a god damn shame.

Whenever I’d ask: “do you think it’s better that we have a voluntary great awakening where timelines change, or should we have declared martial law/civil war and just got it over with”, people would always say, “hurr durr this is about saving America and protecting the American people!”.


We are confined to our fucking living rooms for gods sake!

We have less freedom while democrats continue to poison the minds of millions of Americans.

Patriots are NOT in control.

Otherwise this wouldn’t be happening in the first place.

POTUS fucked up man.

He really did.

It’s going to be impossible to convince shit heads that he doesn’t have corona blood on his hands.

People still think he colluded with Russia!?

Can you believe that shit?

We are so fucked.

So, so, so fucked.

And POTUS could have avoided this timeline if he would have just dropped. The. Fucking. Hammer.


*full disclosure: I am Q follower and have been since 2017. I have sacrificed my entire life for this movement. And I know you can relate because “those that are good”. I’m just at the point now where I’ve accepted reality: the world we live in is shitty. It’s very terrible. Trump was a star. But unfortunately couldn’t execute.