Anonymous ID: 2d5036 April 7, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8714252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359


One peaceful thing every anon can do right now is to work on exiting the corporate plantation run by United States, Inc.

People are enslaved by being classified as United States citizens, property and franchises of the federal government.

This happens at the time you're born as everyone's birth certificate is registered with the state. Registration turns over title.

Turns us into "entities", "vessels", "PERSONs"

We are never told this is what happens; press-ganged into debt slavery from birth.

The only way out is to repudiate that status and return to the land and soil of one's home state.

To become an American state national, Virginian, Coloradan, Texan, etc.

***NOT a fucking "sovereign citizen"!! Oxymoron. Either sovereign or citizen, can't be both. Phrase coined by the FBI.

American state national is the true sovereign status as a flesh and blood man/woman born in one of the several states, one of We the People.

NOT We the Persons.

United States is a corporation as defined in US Code Title 26.

United States citizen is a corporate citizen; this is hidden from you.

Corporate citizens only have privileges NOT unalienable rights.

Ever wonder why judges won't allow the PERSON/citizen to bring the Constitution into their courts? Not a party to it.

Long videos, but lectures by David Straight on Gootooble are worth the time to really understand how massive this fraud is. Easy to find.

(((They))) exist by contracts and are bound to provide remedy; and remedy exists so there's a peaceful way to tell the "government services corporation to FUCK OFF!!!

It is the only way power can be returned to the people.

Taking it back requires the people to reclaim their status and standing as employers of the federal government corporation.