Anonymous ID: 91f47a April 7, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.8713894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>4153 >>4335

“Roseanne's latest wacky theory: COVID-19 is a conspiracy to get rid of baby boomers”


Based on the premise that the Controlled Media will always ridicule when their masters fear being exposed, bear witness to the Rosanne event from yesterday. This is just one of the articles but a quick search shows many other Mockingbird Media outlets did a similar version.


From the article:

“The boomer ladies that, you know, that inherited their — you know, are widows. They inherited the money so they got to go wherever the money is and figure out a way to get it away from people."


The Mockingbird Media want Americans to think this is crazy, but is it? Not when you factor in Congress passing the “Secure Act” in 2019. Don’t be fooled by the term “wealthy” in the title and article. The “wealthy” hide their wealth from the taxman in foundations and non-profits, not IRAs and 401Ks. This new legislation was designed to strip any wealth accumulated by the middle class so as to not to give a leg up to their heirs. It changed the “stretch IRA” for the children and grandchildren of boomers by lowering the mandatory distribution to 10 years from the previous rule based on the beneficiary’s age and life expectancy.


“Lawmakers are killing this popular retirement tax break for the wealthy”



  • The Senate passed legislation curtailing a popular tax strategy known as the “stretch IRA.”

  • Inherited IRAs and 401(k) plans will have to distribute all assets over a period of 10 years.

  • The new rules apply to account owners who die after the end of the year.


How convenient that these new rules started in 2020. Makes one wonder if the reason for a nationwide lockdown is to not make it so obvious that they are trying to kill off the older generation in one year. Spreading it out over the next few years would serve their interests just fine without alerting the GenXers and Millennials to the fact they were just screwed. By locking down healthy young people who could get the milder version of the virus and recover, they have guaranteed that this virus comes back with a vengeance next flu season. What happened to the vaulted “herd immunity” these medical experts always tout when speaking about vaccines? Why all of a sudden do they not want herd immunity? By design?


It is not just widows with inherited wealth they are going after but all pensioners. The bulk of the boomers are now tapping into the pensions they worked 40 years for. While the CEOs and upper management heaped billions of dollars into their stacks, they were underfunding the pensions of everyday hard working Americans. The time has come to pay those debts yet the money is not there in the amounts needed. An easy fix would be to shorten the lifespan of those who have pensions with the added benefit of being able to say: Sorry, we have to lower that pension you thought you were going to get because of the hit to the economy due to virus shutdown. Win, win for those who treat the rest if us as a crop which needs to be harvested.

Anonymous ID: 91f47a April 7, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.8714026   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Right up until they change the rules for the Roth. Stop contributing to IRAs and feeding the bankers. Pay the taxes up front, invest in real assets, and let your heirs benefit from those real assets.