Anonymous ID: 0692bf April 10, 2020, 4:44 p.m. No.8751885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1963

rebutting the buttheads


this is not a game!

it is war for bodies and souls, this is Armageddon, IN YOUR FACE, people!


Spewing fear OR speaking faith, time to solidify your polarity, troops!


in case frustration has blinded otherwise perceptive anons, one undeniable Q proof is the rise of PAID devil's advocates POUNCING on Q posts! doh!


Don't the best movies have their climax after a LONG BATTLE SCENE?

In a war lasting thousands of years, 4 years is a short scene, but seems long in a 70 year lifespan.


The obvious rise in clown posters begs the question:

Why spend money and effort in derision on qresearch and social media IF THEIR EVIL PLAN WAS ALREADY A LOCK! ???


ONLY if the game is still in play, IN THEIR MINDS and game theory, would they waste the effort to push obvious satanic ridicule.


their tone is ALWAYS negative and consistently feminine in contractile drama queening, emotionalism, very little expansive boasting from a position of superiority or intelligence, only bitching AS IF THEY ARE MORALLY SUPERIOR.


why are the fake outraged like media-addicted normies now the FIRST to pounce on Q posts and smear their menstrual whining all over the rest of humanity?

and with post counts usually higher than 4 per bread and some over 10, minus any facts or history, only filled with themselves and their hysterical derision of others who have a functioning faith?

repeatedly dive-bombing the same Qpost, almost as if they get paid extra for trolling Qposts, not too obvious!


do thery really contribute anything of value to the analysis of the silent war or is there motive to simply deceive the wek-minded into the easy belief that there is no Armageddon going on, so why not go back to hopelessness and helplessness?


“All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days . . .nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.”

-John F. Kennedy


just because one instance of God consciousness, one personality, may not see justice and peace in his or her lifetime does not mean anything in the big picture.


Do you know you are an unleashed, unlimited spiritual warrior who chose to be here now?


just another ego, superficial self perceiving only what appears to affect their personal, limited world?


Those in sincere fear that they may not are showing that faith is NOT PRESENT and without faith, there is no armor and no warrior

Or, tiny minded game-players, used to instant gratification and to throwing tantrums at parental authority to get some loving attention or ANY attention to their little self!


indicators that posters are paid to demoralize, representing the panicked minions of the snarklord or have lost faith and have decided to snark their misery into a growing company who prefer self-hatred (and hatred of those who have love) to holding love supreme.


Phrases which indicate extinguishing selfishness or darkside possession:


I'm beyond saddened (always the subjective emotionalism)

empty promises (says the bitch to her master dog)

I have given up hope (did you ever have any?)

god damn footnote (vain use of Name, demonic influence)

Many anons are tired of the talk (pilpul, speaking for others to narrate the story)

Only an Idiot (grade school derision)

I don't trust you any longer, Q (trust your soul, your God)

Q is part of the cabal (simple twist for flattened minion minds)

Just sayin (pretend hipster lingo, to blend, ya know)

Asking for a friend (borrowed snark)

Q OWNS you (projection from mind owned by snarklord!)

Stop posting Q (grandiose wish list of the ass-whipped)


For those whose eyes are opened, THIS IS THE YEAR.

Make or break, the pedal is to the metal; may we find our own mettle and pray for justice then peace