Pretty sad. Some people will do anything for money and power. They can have it.
When the covid fear is gone the HK demonstrations will begin again and spread to the mainland.
Check his pay stub. Deep state asset.
People actually follow the rules of fools. Make your own. Rules.
Elites still in control. I love that. Fuck the freak elite.
Let's see create multiple models to hedge your bets. When you arrive at your destination pull the model that fits the curve. You're a genius and deserve another 500 mil in funding.
Hospitals get paid 9K for every patient diagnosed as Covid. They get paid 39K for everyone of them they put on a ventilator. Define incentive.
Pre-eminent public artist. His work speaks for itself. If I was a NY cop I would be in his studio right now. Whether he likes it or not. Search warrant.
I bet human trafficking is their largest source of income. Except for Pharmacology. Illicit drugs 3rd.
Elite = Illicit. Without crime these people couldn't make rent.